EazeWork login

EazeWork login

EazeWork applications can be accessed through a browser or through a native mobile application. This article explains the application access mechanisms available to a user.

There are two ways to login to EazeWork
1. Email based login - you need to enter your company's url, your username and password
2. Mobile based login - as of now this functionality is available for only Indian mobile numbers. For this feature to work your mobile number should be in "Validated" status. Details on how to validate your phone number are given in the article below.

1. Logging in the browser app

1. Go to  https://www.eazework.com/login
2. On this page you will see a login screen with two tabs

a) Username based login - on this tab you can login with your Company URL, Username and Password. When you enter the company url you will get and option to login using Google or Microsoft Single Sign On - if your company has activated the feature. To use the SSO option just click on the appropriate button.

b) Mobile number based login - on the second tab you can login using your mobile number and password if your mobile number has been validated. As of now this feature is available for Indian mobile numbers.

Same password will work on both tabs.

2. Validating Mobile Number (Only for Indian numbers)

If your mobile number is not validated you can validate it from the login page following the steps outlined below but for it to work it should be updated correctly with country code against your record. If your mobile number has not been updated you can update it yourself, refer article on "Mobile number updation" for more details.

1. Enter your phone number on the Mobile tab and then click on "Login" button. A popup as shown below will come.

2. Click on "Next", you will get an SMS with the OTP which you can enter and validate your number

Note :
1. If you click on "Remember Me" checkbox the browser will store your login credentials. Even though the details are encrypted and stored if your computer / laptop is shared across multiple users then it is strongly recommended that you do not use this option.
2. To remove the stored details you will need to uncheck the "Remember Me" box and login to the software once.

3. Logging in the mobile app

a) Username based login - Enter URL, User name and Password

- If your company has enabled google single sign-on your can use the Google Sign In option
- If you want to login using your mobile number tap on "Login With Mobile" button and you will be navigated to another login screen as shown below.

b) Mobile number based login -

The session on browser gets timed out due to non activity on the mobile application there is no timeout.

4. Recovering Password and Other Credentials

Using Browser
If you have forgotten your company url, username or password and you remember your email id you can click on "I forgot request for a link which will allow you to reset the password. Refer to the image below -

If you are using the mobile number to login you can click on the same link but from the Mobile tab and you will get an option to receive and SMS with an OTP as shown below.

Update the OTP. Update new passwords as shown below.

5. Account Locked

If you attempt to login with wrong password five continuous times then your account will be locked and an email will go to your registered email-id with a link for unlocking the account.

If the system does not have your email and you are using the mobile number to login you can request and OTP through SMS to unlock you account.

Note - wrong attempts on both browser screen and mobile application login page are counted together. This is done to ensure that if someone is trying to login on your behalf by guessing your password he is not able to do so.

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