How is the first payroll month of an employee decided

How is the first payroll month of an employee decided

First payroll month of an employee should be the month on which he joins the company. For example, if he joins on 12-Jan-2020 then first payroll month should be Jan-2020. But there are some scenarios where you would like to have a month  which is different from Jan-2020.

Joining Late in a month - if an employee joins on 28-Jan-2020 then it might be too late to include him in the payroll for the month since the payroll processing might have already started or finished. In such a scenario the first payroll month can be set at Feb-2020 and the number of days in Feb can be made as 32 (28+4). Please refer to the article on Employee details - payroll details for more information.

If for some reason an employee is added to the system with a date of joining in past. For example, if employee date of joining is 1-Oct-2019 and today is 15-Feb-2020 and payroll for all employees has been run till Jan-2020 then you can select Feb-2020 as the first payroll month for this employee. The data for Oct-2019 to Jan-2020 can be calculated outside the system and uploaded using Year to Date upload. But the compliances like TDS / PF / ESI and 24Q for this period will have to managed outside the system. Once YTD data is uploaded the 24Q for Quarter 4 will be generated accurately.