Employee Details - Payroll Details

Employee Details - Payroll Details

Menu path : Payroll > Employee Details > Payroll Details tab - click on employee record and then click on Payroll Details button
Accessible to : Payroll Manager

This article provides details of payroll details for Regular employees. Refer to the article on Payroll Details - Retainers and Apprentices for details on how to manage payroll details for Retainers and Apprentices. There are multiple tabs on this page -
1. Statutory Details
2. Account Details
3. HR Details
4. Perquisite Heads (visible only if perquisite feature is enabled in setup)

Note : In Statutory Details tab and Account Details tab Payroll Manager might not have the option to edit the employee's Statutory Details like PAN, UAN, PF Number, ESI Number or Account Details if the option to Edit these sections is not given to Payroll Manager in HRIS Setup.

1. Statutory Details

Details to be provided on this tab are explained below -

Days worked in xxx - this field will be visible only if the first payroll month is the same as month of joining or is one month after the month of joining. There are two scenarios here
- Scenario 1 : if employee joins towards the end of the month and does not get included in the month's payroll and the first payroll month is updated as the next month, this is done on Pending For Updation tab on Employee Payroll Details tab - refer article. For example if employee joins on 26-April and first payroll month is taken as May then system will ask you for days worked for April here and in this field you should input 5. Any LWP which is entered for the month of May will be accounted for automatically but LWP if any for April will have to be adjusted manually by changing the number of days. So if employee takes 1 days LWP in April then the number of days should be inputted as 4.

The salary paid through payroll in this scenario will be calculated based on the actual number of days for April and May separately. As per the example being discussed the salary will be multiplied by (1+4/30) if there are 31 working days in May and 4 in April.
- Scenario 2 : this is the default scenario where the first payroll month is same as the employee's month of joining or if we exclude an employee for some months from payroll and fist payroll month is more than two months later than the month of joining. In this case the number of days for the first payroll month will have to inputted.
In both the scenarios based on the date of joining and first payroll month system provides a default value which can be updated.

PAN Number - provide Permanent Account Number. If PAN is not provided then as per rules a TDS of 20% should be deducted, this feature can be enabled from setup. If the PAN number is changed after filing of 24Q then Form 16 Part A will not match unless the filed 24Q is corrected.

PAN is operativeif employee has not linked to PAN to his Aadhaar or for any other reason the PAN is not operative you should update this parameter as No. When it is updated as no, an alert will go to the employee informing him of the change and in subsequent payroll his TDS will be deducted at the higher of 20% or slab rate. This parameter is visible only when the setup parameter "If no PAN then deduct tax at higher of 20% or slab rate" is activated.

Tax Option - this field is applicable only from Financial Year 2020-21. The basis of employee's tax calculation is captured here. The value can be changed anytime and the new basis will be applied

Director or a person with substantial interest - please select this field as yes if the employee is a director or a person with substantial interest in the company. This information is needed for Form 12BA.

PF Details

Included in PF scheme
- select Yes if employee is going to be participating in PF scheme. Once selected as Yes it can be removed if CTC heads linked to PF are not there in salary structure.

UAN Number exists from before - this field cannot be updated from this page, click on "Update UAN" button to update this field

UAN Number - Click on "Update UAN" button to update the UAN. If the UAN is updated and verified you will se a check mark

PF Number - provide PF number, this is the member ID and can be maximum 7 digits

PF Wages (on joining) - the wages which form basis of PF are displayed here, this is as

Limit for PF Deduction - If "Custom" is selected then employee's PF contribution will be based on the heads selected, heads selected can be modified by using the "Define Custom" button, the list of heads available will be same as the heads selected in setup against EPF. If "Statutory Limit" is selected then employee's PF contribution will be limited to the current statutory limit. For Expat / International Workers the option to select Custom / Statutory Limit will not be available and the deduction will be done as per the heads selected in setup for PF Expat in Deduction and Encashment table.

When defining custom PF deduction you can also specify a maximum limit, the deduction will be done based on the minimum of the two values.

Registered in ABRY - Select Yes if employee is registered in ABRY scheme and the employee's PF contribution is being paid by the Government

ABRY Registration Month - if employee is registered in ABRY then this is a compulsory field. This month can be before the date of joining as the employee could have been participating in ABRY in a previous employer. The benefit under ABRY will be given for 24 months starting from this month

Contribution in Employee Pension Scheme - Select Yes if you want the Pension scheme contribution to be done out of the employee's share of EPF deduction. If an employee does not have a UAN and Wages are greater than 15,000 then contribution in EPS cannot be enabled. As per EPF rules an employees who have started working after 1-Sept-2014 cannot participate in EPS if their wages at the time of joining are more than 15,000.

EPS Number - Employee Pension Scheme number

ESI Details

Included in ESI Scheme - select Yes if employee is to be included in ESI scheme, system will not stop you from including employees with more than 21,000 monthly wages in ESI and they can be included in the middle of the ESI block also. Employee can be removed from ESI at any point of time

ESI Number - Click on "Update ESIN" button to update the ESI number. If the ESI number is updated and verified you will se a check mark

Note : When an employee's wages go beyond 21,000 then in April or October payroll the employee will be automatically removed from ESI.
Eligible for LWF - if you want Labor Welfare Fund deduction to be done then select Yes

Permanent Retirement Account Number (PRAN) - PRAN is used in National Pension Scheme, this field is required only if the company is deducting and depositing money in NPS

Mapped Salary Template - a salary template can be mapped to employee using this option. The mapped salary template is used in bulk salary update / bulk increment processing. This parameter is visible only if Flexible benefit process is enabled. Refer article on Bulk Salary Revision for more details

Eligible for Perquisite - select Yes if you want to pay employee some salary components which have perquisite tax like Company Car, Car with driver. Once this is selected the Perquisite heads can be selected in the fourth tab as explained below

Handicapped Person with more than 40% disability or parent of a physically disabled or mentally retarded child - this parameter is only applicable in Maharashtra and if made yes then Professional tax is not deducted in Maharashtra

Employee Category = Journalist - if this is selected as Yes then the employee's gratuity eligibility will be based the setup for Journalist. Refer article on Payment of Gratuity for more details

Gratuity Initialization Date - if your company has undergone a merger or has acquired another company then while the date of joining in the company records will be the actual date of joining in the company the calculation of gratuity eligibility is done from the date of joining in the previous company. This date can be updated in this field. If this field is not visible and you want to get it activated please get in touch with your Account Manager

2. Account Details

In the second tab details of bank accounts for salary payments and for business expenses and payroll reimbursements can be updated.

You can keep both the accounts same or have different details.

3. HR Details

On this tab details which are maintained in HRIS module are shown. You can also upload and store documents in this tab.

4. Perquisite Heads

From this tab you can select from a set of predefined perquisites to be added to employee's salary. For details on how to design perquisite refer to article on Managing perquisite components of salary.

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