I am not receiving any emails from EazeWork

I am not receiving any emails from EazeWork

If you have been added as an employee or are an existing user and not receiving any emails, please follow the steps given below.

1. Check your email status - Go to Preferences page > Manage Credentials tab and check your Mailbox Status. Refer article on Managing Account Preferences for more details.

2. If you have marked support@eazework.com as Spam earlier you can re-register for receiving emails from us.
a) Click on "Resubscribe" button
b) You will be navigated to the email service page where you will have to enter your email ID as shown below. Click on "Subscribe" button

c) You will be sent an activation mail to your Email ID using which you can confirm your subscription

3. If you have yourself opted out of receiving email alerts you can remove that from Preferences > Alerts tab

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