License management

License management

Menu Path: Manage Account > Manage Licenses tab
Accessible to : Application Administrator

In this tab the details of your account are shown, you can see the number of licenses activated and in use for each license type.

If you have requested for cancellation of your subscription your subscription status would be accordingly updated here.

For Web and Non-Web licenses total number of licenses in use is always same as licenses available, it includes both active and deactivated users but it does not include resigned / separated employees. Refer to the article on Licenses in EazeWork HRMS for more details.

Addition of Licenses
Web / Non-Web licenses are added automatically when a new employee is updated as joined. Billing is done from the beginning of the month of joining of the employee. If an employee is updated with a date of joining of next month billing will start from next month even if the license is added earlier.

To add a Recruiter / Agency license click on "Add" button. You should add licenses as per your requirement. These licenses are available only if Recruitment module is activated.

Support license is added automatically whenever Support Rep role is given to an employee from Manage Account > Manage Users tab.

Removal of Licenses
Web and Non-Web licenses are automatically removed when employee's separation is approved and the last working day goes in past. If an approved separation is withdrawn then the license is mapped back again.
To remove extra Agency / Recruiter licenses click on "Remove" button and you can remove and extra licenses.  You can only remove Agency / Recruiter license which is not in use. You can remove in use licenses - refer the section below on "Releasing licenses" for more details.
To remove Support licenses refer to section 6 of the Manage Users article.

Removed licenses will not be billed from the next month after the license is removed.

License Summary / License Details Report
You can download the license details in excel format by clicking on "License Summary" or "License Details" button and providing the months for which you want the report. In the excel file history of all licenses will be given.

In "Done By" column you will see the name of Application Administrator if the license addition / removal was done by Application Administrator or EazeWork if the activity was done by your Account Manager.

License Details report can be downloaded for 92 days at a time. License Summary report can be downloaded for 12 months at time.

Releasing in use licenses
1. Recruiter license - When we remove recruiter's name from recruiter role on Recruitment setup  page then recruiter license is released
2. Agency license - License will be released in two ways -
a) If status is Active then you can release license after status of agency has been changed to Inactive - refer article for more details
b. If status is To Be Validated then you can delete the record which will release the license
3. Support license - if an employee who has been assigned a Support license is not mapped to any tickets then you would be able to remove the in use license. Refer to section 6 of the article on Manage Users

Note - for Recruiter and Agency license you need to first release the license before you can remove it. If the employee who is mapped to the Recruiter license resigns then the license is automatically released but it is not automatically removed.

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