Managing policy documents

Managing policy documents

Menu Path : HR Manager > Policies > Policies tab
Quick Access : HR Manager > Update Policy

Accessible to : As per setup

Access of this page is controlled from setup by Application Administrator, please see document on HRIS Setup - Policy Documents for more details.

HR Manager can share company's policy documents / forms in two ways
1. popular document, image, excel  or PDF files can be uploaded, these can be downloaded by employees
2. they can be created as HTML documents which can be viewed as a web page

1. Uploading policy documents
Steps to be followed for uploading documents -
1. Click on "Upload Document" button and upload the desired document
2. Give a description to the document, this will be visible to employees on the Policy Documents widget
3. Map it to the folder in which you want it to be filed and made visible to employee. If you are not able to see any folder in the drop-down please get in touch with your Application Administrator and ask him to update the list of folders
4. Click on "Submit"

After you have uploaded a document you will need to activate it to make it visible to employees but before you do that you should define the eligibility criteria to limit the group of employees who can see the policy. Refer to sections 3.1, 3.2, 3.3 below to understand how eligibility condition / acceptance and other actions can be performed.
1. Use "Download" button to download the document
2. Use "Edit" button to change the description or folder of the document
3. Use "Delete" button to delete any existing documents

2. Creating HTML policies
Use the option of creating HTML document if you don’t want the employees to download or copy the policy documents and also if you want to track their acceptance against the policies.

Steps to be followed for creating HTML documents -
1. Click on "Create HTML Policy" button
2. Create a document from scratch or copy paste from an existing word document. When copying from a word document first paste the text in a notepad to remove all special characters. You can do the formatting in the HTML editor.

2.1 Using HTML editor
As shown above you can create an HTML document using the editor, key points to remember are -
1. You can view the document being created by clicking on search icon
2. You can view the HTML code by clicking on the  icon
3. If you want to insert the company logo you can use $$LOGO$$ keyword
4. If the policy document is to be shown only to some employees the eligibility criteria can be created
5. If you want to insert images in the policy document refer to section 4. below

Policies created using the HTML option cannot be downloaded, printed or copied by the employee.

2.2 Modifying HTML Policies
Use "Edit Policy" button on the row to edit an existing document. Through this option you can change the policy text.

If the acceptance feature has been activated then you will get a confirmation popup if you want to resend the acceptance notification to employees or not. Select the image from "Select Image" drop-down and copy the field and paste it in the body to insert and image.

3. Defining / modifying policy eligibility criteria
If you want to create a eligibility or modify an eligibility criteria click on "View Criteria" button, you can see the current eligibility criteria in a popup.

By default all new policies have "All" as the eligibility criteria. Click on "Change Eligibility Criteria" button and modify the eligibility criteria.

If the acceptance feature has been activated then you will get a confirmation popup if you want to resend the acceptance notification to employees or not.

3.1 Employees' acceptance of policies
Whether you want employee's acceptance against a policy or not can be configured at policy level. This is controlled by the "Acceptance" column in the table. By default this flag is deselected. Policy acceptance alert is sent to employees through a day end batch job in following scenarios -
1. When a Non Web user is converted to Web user
2. When an employee on Resigned status is change to Active status in the interim if any policy acceptance alert has been sent and if this employee has not accepted the policy then an alert is sent
c) When a new employee is updated as joined, system sends acceptance alerts for policies for which he is eligible
d) When there are changes in any parameter which is linked to eligibility criteria from My Profile or bulk update. If the change is from a future date then the alert goes only after the change has been implemented
Whenever a policy is created or an existing policy is modified there is an option to send a notification to all the employees informing them of the change in policy and taking their acceptance in the system for the new or revised policy. Employees can mark their acceptance at the bottom of the document after going through the policy.

Note: there is no option of acceptance of policy document if the upload .pdf / .doc option is used for uploading policies.

1. Use "View Acceptance List" to view the list of employees who have accepted the policy
2. Use "Send Acceptance Reminder" to send the reminder alert to employees who have not accepted the policy

3.2 Other actions
Other actions which can be done are -
1. "View Policy" - opens the policy as an HTML, as it would be seen by the employee
2. "Download" - downloads the uploaded policy document
3. "Deactivate" or "Activate" - to make a document hidden or visible to employees
4. "Edit Row" - to change the mapped folder or to change the Acceptance status
5. "Delete" - to delete a created / uploaded policy

4. Managing Images in HTML policies
You can upload images and use them in HTML policies. Click on "Manage Images" button. You will see a popup where you can upload images.

All the uploaded images can be used in the HTML policies.

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