Managing Projects

Managing Projects

Menu Path : Projects > Manage Projects
Accessible to : Project Manager, Resource Manager
Menu Path : Setup > HR Setup tab > Projects

Accessible to : Application Administrator

Application administrator, Resource Manager and Project Managers can create the projects against which employees can book time and can be mapped against multiple charge codes.

1. Create a New Project
To create a new project click on "Add New Project" button and fill up the details as per the project creation form as shown below.

Fields which are to be filled up when creating a project are
• Project Code - compulsory field, this can be manually created or can be automated, refer Section 2 - System Parameters
• Currency - the currency which will be used for billing can be updated
• Project Manager - compulsory field. Names of only those employees who have been assigned Project Manager role by Application Administrator will be visible in the drop-down here. Project Manager can be changed at any point of time. Refer 3. Role Management for more details
• Start Date - this is the project start date, it is a compulsory field
• End Date - this is the project end date, it is an optional field and can be updated any time
• Project name - compulsory field
• Timesheet Approver - this is the person who will approve the timesheet, selection is done by role and it is a compulsory field. Timesheet approver can be CEO / Department Head / Div Head / Functional Manager / HR Manager / Manager or Project Manager
• Customer - the customer to which project is mapped can be selected here, this is an optional field. If customer is mapped then Project time and expenses can be tracked to a customer

In the second section of the form you can select the charge codes which will be available for employees to book time in timesheets. Against each selected charge code you can fill up Planned Hours and Planned Cost.

2. Bulk Creation of Projects
Use the button "Bulk Creation of Projects" to create projects in bulk.

1. Click on "Download Template" to download the excel template (sample file is attached)
2. Fill up the details
3. Click on "Upload Template" button

- If Project creation is being done by the Project Manager then he cannot assign it to any other Project Manager. Only Application Administrator and Resource Managers can create and assign projects to Project Managers
- If Timesheet module is not activated then Charge Code table and Timesheet Approver option will not come

3. Closing Projects
Projects can be closed by updating an End Date. If you forgot to update an End Date and want to update a past date, system will allow it provided no timesheets have been updated. Closed projects can be hidden using the "Hide" button on the row and can be recalled using the "Recall Hidden Projects" button.

A closed project can be made active again by changing the End Date.

Note : Employee's assignment to a project is not deleted when a project is closed and not show the Project End Date as the end of employee's assignment date in reports.

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