Mobile attendance features

Mobile attendance features

In EazeWork HRMS users can mark their attendance through the mobile app if the feature is enabled. There are various options available regarding the level of detail we want to capture when we are using the Mobile app to mark attendance.

Option 1 - Attendance marking with Location tagging: in this scenario user can mark attendance using the application on his mobile phone and if the location/GPS in mobile is enabled then the location from where the user is marking his attendance is also captured. For example, in case I if an employee is marking his attendance from Location A without enabling his GPS in mobile phone, then only his in time is captured, no input about his location is available, and in case II when a user marks his attendance from Location A and also his has enabled his GPS before marking in time, then his in time as well as his location is captured in the system. Location details are automatically taken using map APIs.

Option 2 - Attendance marking with Selfie feature: if this feature is activated then automatically a photograph from the front camera is captured. User's confirmation is taken while clicking the photograph. The location is also captured. This feature will not work if the GPS is switched off.

Option 3 - Attendance marking with Geo-fencing: if this feature is activated then the employee will be able to mark attendance only when he is within a predefined radius of his location. Latitude and longitude are captured with the location and used to pinpoint the exact location on the map, the radius is taken with reference to these coordinates. Refer to article on Creating Locations for more details. This feature also needs the GPS to be switched on for marking attendance.

Example - Selfie with Geo-fencing

A combination of above feature ensures a foolproof mechanism that employees are marking their attendance from the location where he needs to report and it is they who are marking it .For example a location radius of 100m can be set around the reporting office, outside this area employee is not able to mark his "In time" or "Out time" at the end of the day.

Refer image below, Here blue dot represents the actual location where the employee is and the circle represents the total perimeter within which his in time would be accepted by the system, if he tries to mark attendance from outside this range system will not accept the input and a warning message will be shown.

Refer to the article on Marking attendance through mobile app for more details.

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