Organizational Hierarchy and Roles

Organizational Hierarchy and Roles

EazeHR provides high level of flexibility in using various roles and assigning responsibilities to different persons or keeping most of the roles and responsibilities with one or few persons. Please refer to the article on Roles in EazeWork to  review the comprehensive list of the roles. This article explains how these roles fit in the organization structure and the inter-relationships between them.

The image below shows all the roles and how they are mapped to the organization structure.

Most roles can be split across multiple persons but some roles are unique.

The mapping shown here is only indicative and the reporting can be changed as per requirement, for example the Department Heads are actually responsible for workflows within a department and if in multi company setup the same department cuts across multiple companies then the Department Head might be reporting into MD. If the Departments are designed to reside within a company then Department Head should report into the CEO of the company.

The hierarchy within HR team is configurable and the roles of HR Manager and HR Executive are the key roles which have access to most of the workflows.

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