Previous employer details updation

Previous employer details updation

Employees who have earnings from previous employer(s) are supposed to declare the income and other details. You would be notified through the pending task window of this pending activity.

In the first step you will need to declare if you have income from any other employer.

If you select the option "I do not have any income..." then you do not need to do anything more. However, if you select the other option then you will need to provide details of the income / deductions done at the previous employer(s).

There are two tables to be filled up on this form.

1. Company details - fill up details of companies you have worked with in the current financial year. If you have worked in more than one company (in the current financial year) before joining the current employer you should provide the details after adding the amounts for all these companies. Company PAN and TAN numbers are optional fields.

2. Earning and Deduction details - Details of your income and deductions which you have got need to be updated here.
  1. Total taxable Income earned : this is added to the income which will be earned at the current employer. Please ensure that you enter only "BALANCE (1-2)" from your previous employer's Form 16
  2. Tax free gratuity earned : as per law gratuity is tax free upto a certain limit, this figure is needed to ensure that your overall gratuity calculation is done accurately
  3. Tax free leave encashment earned : similar to gratuity there is a limit to the total tax free leave encashment which you can ear across all employers
  4. Voluntary Provident Fund : declared amount reduces the limit available under 80CCC
  5. NPS Employer Contribution : declare the amount which has been exempted under Section 80CCD. Do not declare the total contribution
  6. Professional Tax : declared Professional Tax is reduced from income earned
  7. Tax Deducted at Source: TDS deducted at the earlier employers has to be inputted
  8. Cess: Amount of cess paid has to be provided separately

Please upload the Form 12B and Form 16 received from the previous employers using the Upload Documents option.

The details you update in this form will be reviewed by Payroll Manager and in case you are not clear you can consult with him. Once you have submitted the details the status of the form will change to "Submitted" and you cannot make any changes. If you want any changes to be made you can request the Payroll Manager to reset the submission.

You should also complete your nominee declaration for PF, ESI, Gratuity and PF declaration - refer to article on "PF, ESI, Gratuity Nomination and Declaration" for more details.

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