Releasing surveys

Releasing surveys

Menu Path: HR Manager > Communications > Survey tab
Menu Path : Quick Access > Release Survey

Accessible to: CHR / HR Manager / HR Executive as per Setup

HR Managers can release predefined surveys, review status of released surveys and make changes in due data. New surveys can be created by the Application Administrator in Setup - refer article for more details.

Status of Surveys

A survey goes through the following status
  1. Released : it is active and available to employees to respond
  2. Deadline Past : the last date to respond has gone by, you can
        - extend the survey by clicking on Edit and then changing the last date. Employees will get a notification of the extension
        - close the survey, once you close the survey it cannot be extended

Closed surveys can be hidden and recalled for viewing through "Recall Survey" button.

Releasing a Survey

Click on "Release Survey" button.

  1. Confidential : Survey can be made confidential by clicking on the check box. Once a survey is released as confidential it cannot be changed after releasing. In a confidential survey you will not be able to see the names of employee against the responses.
  2. While releasing a survey you can select the set of employees who will get the survey. You can release it to "All" or define the "Eligibility Criteria" for the employees who will get the survey or select the names from a "List"
  3. Select the Last date for submission

Alerts will go to the participants informing them of the survey and the due date when survey is released.

Reviewing Survey Status

Once the survey is released its status can be tracked by looking at the % completion figure and you can also see which employees have given the response - these details are not visible in a confidential survey. Click on "View" button on the Survey completed table to view the survey form filled up by the employee.

Employees who are pending can be sent a reminder alert by clicking on "Send Reminder Alert" button.

Editing Released Surveys

Once the survey is released and if the end date for receiving responses has not gone by the "Last Date for Submission" can be extended. When the last date is extended an alert is sent to employees who are included in the survey. Survey criteria cannot be edited after releasing the survey.

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