Poll Setup
Polls are created and released by HR team. In Poll setup you can define who in
the HR team can create polls.
Survey Setup
Two surveys - 'Employee Satisfaction Survey' & Manager Feedback Survey' are
predefined surveys and available by default. The options available are -
1. You can deactivate any active survey or activate any deactivate survey
2. You can delete draft survey
3. You can edit any draft or active survey at any time
4. Using 'Create New Survey' button you can create new survey
Creating new survey / Editing an existing survey
1. You can update the survey type and description. Description updated here will
be visible to employees on top of the page when they are responding to a survey
2. You can add questions using 'Add Question' button
- Put the question text in question text field
- Select question type which would be- Single Choice, Multiple Choice and Text
- Based on the selection of question type put the response options
- If you select "Response compulsory" as Yes then a response to this question
would be mandatory when employee is responding
- If you select "Comments needed" as Yes then a comment box will show for each
- If you select "Comments compulsory" as Yes then inputting a comment would be
mandatory when employee is responding
Refer to the article on - "Responding to surveys" to understand how an employee would respond to the survey.