From this page you can
1. Activate additional roles which are available but have not been activated
by default
2. Activate the multiple role option for certain roles. – refer to the article
on Roles in EazeWork HRMS for more details.
3. Set the attribute which will be used to divide the employees for multiple
4. Map the domain with the role holders
5. Manage deactivation of roles
6. Assign responsibilities within payroll module
1. Role activation
Roles which cannot be given to more than one user will have "N/A" shown on the Multiple column. Roles which are given to multiple users in parallel have "Parallel" shown on the Multiple column.
Select the checkbox in the Activate column to activate any role. You will get a confirmation message.
Click on Submit.
Once the role is activated it can be assigned to an employee and can also be used in workflows.
2. Multiple role activation
roles can be divided among more than one employees. For example you can have
multiple HR Executives in your company. To activate a multiple role, on the Role
Activation tab click on the checkbox in the Multiple column against the role.
Note : Once you make a role as multiple you need to complete the steps of mapping the attribute and assignment of employees to each domain as explained below. If you do not complete this then the activities / requests in the system will not be assigned to the appropriate employees.
3. Setting multiple role attribute
the Role Mapping tab you can select the multiple roles and map the attribute
you want to use to map it to employees.
Workflows in EazeWork HRMS work only when the process ownership at each stage (except
initiation) is unique, i.e. for each stage of process it is known with 100% certainty
that who is responsible for the activity. As shown above the division of work
among multiple Accountant can be done on the basis of
- Company
- Department
- Department-Company
- Division
- Division-Company
- Employee
- Office Location
Note :
1. Company, Department-Company, Division-Company are available on for multiple
company scenario
2. Once this mapping is done for a role it cannot be changed without disabling
the multiple role and enabling it again
4. Assigning employees to domain
Role Mapping tab to assign different work domains to different employees follow
the steps given below.
1. Select the role
2. In the table map the employees, before you can map an employee here you will
have to assign this role to the employee from Manage Account > Manage Users tab
When you click on Submit you will get a reconfirmation popup.
You can at any point of time change the domain of the mapped users, click on the dropdown and select the new employees. You will get a confirmation message as shown below.
When the mapping is changed all the work related to this role pending with the first user is transferred to the new user.
Note - CEO role can be mapped only on the basis of Company.
5. Deactivation of roles
are two parts of the process
1. Deactivation of multiple role feature : before you can deactivate the multiple
role option you will have to map all the domains to one employee. For example
if you have HR Executives mapped by company and you try to deactivate you will
get a message as shown below.
If the role is mapped to more than one employee then you will have to also remove the duplicate mapping from Manage Account > Manage Users tab. Once it is done you can try and you will get a confirmation popup as shown below.
2. Deactivation of role completely : if you do not want to use a role anymore you can deselect the checkbox. If the role is in use in any workflow the checkbox will not be enabled and it will be greyed out. If the role is not in use in any workflow you can deselect the checkbox and confirm on the popup as shown below.
6. Payroll Activities
The following activities within India payroll the work can be divided across
1. Full and final processing
2. Verification and payment of payroll reimbursements
3. Updation page
4. 24Q generation
5. Form 16 upload and distribution
6. Tax Savings declaration and submission process
Roles available for assigning these activities vary by the activity.