Submitting Outdoor Duty (OD) request

Submitting Outdoor Duty (OD) request

Quick Access : Attendance & Leave > OD Requst
Accessible to : All Employees

Sometimes employees need to go out of office due to official work and they may or may not return back the same day. In some cases employees might be finishing some work outside office in the morning and they come to office late. In both these scenarios Outdoor Duty (OD) feature should be used.

OD is not a replacement for attendance and even if you mark an OD with In and Out times which might be more than the shift timings you will still need to get your attendance regularized. If you are not going to come to office at all on a particular day you should submit a Tour request.

Few points to be noted

1. OD request can be taken for any day today, past or future, it can be taken for days where attendance status is absent but getting OD approved for an Absent day will not change the attendance status to OD or Present
2. There can be multiple ODs in one day but there cannot be any overlap, if an employee submits more than one OD on one day there can be no overlap in their times
3. OD request can be full or part day but it cannot be for more than one day
4. Employee can view his OD request status on Attendance & Leave > Attendance History page
5. If attendance has been marked for a day and an OD is approved and the OD end time is greater than the out-time marked previously then the out-time will be updated to OD end time. If the OD end time is less than the existing out time then there will be no change in the exiting out time
6. If attendance is approved for the day (9AM to 6PM) as per shift timing and OD is pending. Now if the manager approves the OD and OD end time is greater than shift end time then attendance end time will be updated as last OD end time
7. Approver cannot approve the attendance which is pending due to missing out time before we approve the OD (record will be come with pink color) and if OD is approved then record will come as enabled
8. If attendance is pending due to missing out time and if OD is approved than shift end time will be updated with last OD end time if OD end time is more than shift end and missing attendance record will be removed
9. OD start and OD end times are compulsory inputs while submitting an OD request and there will not be any linkage with the web or bio-metric swipes, so there can be scenarios that an employee will be on OD but at the same time will also be on break

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