Managing Tour request

Managing Tour request

Quick Access : Attendance & Leave > Tour Request
Accessible to : As per setup

Tour Request Submission

If you have to go out of station for one or more than one days then you can submit a "Tour Request".

Tour request can be submitted for approval for past or future based on the company policy. You can also specify if you need accommodation and / or tickets.

On approval the system will show your attendance status as being "On Tour" for the approved period.

On request page you are required to fill all the details like name, start date of the tour & end date of the tour, travel from, travel to, reason and description to complete the request. Managers or HR can raise tour request for their team members if the option is enabled.

Refer to the article on - "Withdrawal of Tour Request" to know how to withdraw a submitted Tour Request.

Approval of Tour Request is done from the same page from where Leaves are approved by the approving authority - refer to the article on "Approving Leaves" for more details.

Once the tour request is approved the Travel Desk person will get intimated and he would be able to update the cost and booking details for Accommodation and Travel. Once he updates these details you would be able to view and download them from the Tour Request form. Till the ticket / accommodation details are not updated the status of request will remain as "Approved", once details are updated the status will change to "Closed".

Downloading Accommodation / Ticket details

Open the form from Attendance History page and scroll down to the bottom of page where you would be able to download the uploaded documents by travel desk.

Applying for Leave or Work from Home while being On Tour

Even if there are approved tour requests you can apply for leaves which are overlapping with these requests. System will show leave on the applied days and retain Tour status for the remaining days.

The reverse scenario where there is an approved leave for say for 15 December and you want to apply for a tour for 14 to 16-Dec is not allowed. System will not allow submitting the tour request if there are leaves.

Similarly if you have an approved Work from Home request for a particular day then you cannot apply for a Tour for a period which overlaps this day.

Weekends and Holidays during Tour

Whether or not intervening Holidays or Weekly Offs are marked as Tour depends upon the setup, both the scenarios - marking them as Tour or keeping them marked as Holiday / Weekly Off are possible.

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