Team Management - Location Tracking

Team Management - Location Tracking

Managers and other authorized persons can see the location of their team members and also the route they have covered during the day through the browser. Refer to the article on Tracking location of employees for more details.

1. Location

Menu Path : Manage Team > Team Details > Location tab
Accessible to: As per setup

In this tab Managers / Department Heads / HR can see the current or last reported location of the employee and also the location tracking method in use.

If an employee has Advanced location tracking enabled but he has not activate the background location tracking feature then the Last Location column will show "Not Enabled".

2. Map

Menu Path : Manage Team > Team Details > Map tab
Accessible to: As per setup

In this tab Managers / Department Heads / HR can see today's location on map or the route covered for today or a past date.

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