Timesheet setup

Timesheet setup

Menu : Setup > HR Setup > Timesheet Setup
Accessible to : Application Administrator

You can setup the parameters associated with timesheet process, submission deadlines and other parameters from this page. Timesheets can be configured for a weekly submission or a daily submission, this is a one time configuration which is selected at the time of module activation and cannot be changed if even one timesheet is submitted.

Timesheet Frequency - if this parameter is selected as "Daily", then employee has to submit the Timesheet daily and if this is Weekly, then employee can submit the Timesheet for the selected week. 

Timesheet creation rights - by default timesheet creation rights are given to the employee but from this table you can give these rights to the Project Manager / Resource Manager also.

Timesheet are to be approved - if Yes is selected then in each project the approver needs to be defined and timesheet will go for approval on submission, if No is selected then timesheets will be auto approved on submission. If this parameter is changed from Yes to No or vice  versa the impact of the setting will be only on the timesheets submitted after making the change. When this parameter is enabled then by default all Projects will have Project Manager mapped as the Approver which can be changed.

Booked hours per day to be less than or equal to - if this parameter is selected as Shift hours then employee will have to book less than shift hours on a daily basis, if Available hours is selected then the hours are calculated based on the "Exclude from available hours" parameter. Timesheet hours for the day cannot be more than hours as defined by this parameter.

Booked hours per day to be more than or equal to -  if this parameter is selected then the employee has to fill up the hours more than shift or available hours as per selection. The maximum hours which can be filled up in this option are 24 hours.

Exclude from available hours - you can select various options to define how the Available Hours for a day will be calculated. For example if you select "Approved Leaves" and an employee is on a half day approved leave then the available hours for the day would be 4.5 hours. Total hours data comes from Shift time : Shift End Time - Shift Begin Time. This parameter is visible only if previous parameter is selected as "Available Hours".

Shift hours - If "Including Break" is selected then Hours available are shown including breaks, If "Excluding Break" is selected then Hours available are shown excluding breaks, if "None" is selected then 24 hours are shown as available.
Note : If the setting of "Booked hours per day to be less than or equal to" parameter is changed the impact will be there on all timesheets including submitted ones. Hence if a timesheet was submitted when this parameter was "None" and employee had filled up more than shift hours and now the parameter setting is changed to "Shift Hours" then the approver will not be able to approve the timesheet.
Timesheet submission deadline - For weekly timesheets submissions are due on a particular day – in the above example timesheets are to be submitted by the Saturday of each week. If timesheet is not submitted by Saturday time then the status becomes as Pending and both employee and his manager will get a reminder at 00:30 hours (as per employee time-zone) on Saturday.

Allow submission of Timesheets for future - If this parameter is selected as No then employees can submit hours only upto today's date. A weekly timesheet ends on Saturday, if this parameter is select as No, it can still be submitted before Saturday but time for the future days cannot be filled up.

Split month ending week's timesheet - This parameter is visible only if the previous parameter is selected as No. On enabling this parameter employees will have to submit the timesheet for the week which contains the month end in two parts. When this parameter is enabled all the pending timesheets of past weeks for the weeks which are having the last date of month included will be split. There will be no change in the status of Submitted, Draft, Approved or Returned status timesheets. For example timesheet for the week starting 30-Jan-2022 will be split into two timesheet - one from 30-Jan to 31-Jan and one from 1-Feb to 5-Feb.

Allow updation of approved Timesheet - If this parameter is selected as No then approved timesheet cannot be modified by anyone. If it is selected as Yes then the option to update an approved timesheet is given to the role selected below.

Updation of approved Timesheets by - Select the role which will be allowed to update an approved timesheet. Refer to article on Updation of approved Timesheet for more details.

Keep the last xx timesheets open for entry from employee - If you do not want to allow employees to fill up old timesheets you can use this parameter. If 1 in inputted as a value then employees can fill up timesheet only of the previous last week. If nothing is entered then all timesheets are available for input. Maximum value of xx allowed is 12 for weekly timesheets and 31 for daily timesheets. Even if employee cannot fill up these locked timesheets the other roles who have the access to fill these timesheets would be able to do so.
For Daily Timesheet setup the number of days for which timesheet will be open for entry is based on this parameter. Weekly Offs and Compulsory Holidays are excluded from the count as no pending timesheets are created for these days.

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