In this tab the setup relevant to Work from Home process is managed by the Application Administrator.
Initiator / Approvers setup
1. Request initiator : this governs
who all can submit a WFH request, you can select the roles from the table
2. Approval Levels : There can be any number of approvers for WFH request, if
no approver is selected then the request will get auto-approved on submission
These settings can be changed at any point of time but changes will not impact previously submitted requests and will impact only new requests.
WFH Policy Setup
You can have different work from home policies
for different groups of employees in the your company.
If an employee is getting mapped to multiple policies then the policy with higher priority will get mapped to the employee. Default policy is created when process is activated. If any changes are made to the policy these will impact only new requests, approved or in process requests will no be impacted, except changes in Future Entry Period and Past Entry Period parameter, changes in these parameters will impact the in process requests also.
Policy definition includes the following parameters -
1. Partial days - if activated then WFH can be taken for half day also
2. Holiday counted - if this parameter is selected then Holidays falling within
a WFH request are also considered as WFH
3. Weekly Off counted - if this parameter is selected then Weekly Offs falling
within a WFH request are considered as WFH
4. WFH to be limited - If activated then you can limit he number of WFH requests.
Limit can be applied on weekly / monthly / quarterly or annual basis. It will
count a half day WFH request also as one request
5. Future and Past entry periods - request would be allowed as per the range
specified here, so if the value is 10 in both and today is 10/Oct then WFH request
can be submitted for any day between 30/Sep to 20/Oct
The system also provides an option to create an eligibility criteria which will be used to map the employees. Refer to write-up on Managing leave eligibility criteria to understand how to define an eligibility criteria.
Default policy cannot be deleted and you delete any other policy the employees
mapped to that policy will be mapped to the next available policy.