Cancelling confirmed payroll or finalized full and final

Cancelling confirmed payroll or finalized full and final

Once payroll has been confirmed or if the full and final has been finalized then cancellation is not allowed from the page where it is finalized / confirmed. The option to cancel is available through a separate page which is available only if this feature is enabled in setup by Administrator.

Quick Access : Payroll Manager > Payroll Cancellation
Accessible to : Payroll Manager

There are three options available -

1. To cancel a complete payroll run - use option "Payroll Run". You will be able to see the payroll runs which are available for cancellation. You can only cancel the last ran payroll for a working employee. If a month has multiple payroll runs then the first payroll run is called "Regular" run and others are called "Partial" runs. You can cancel a "Regular" run only after all the "Partial runs" have been cancelled.

You can download the list of employees who are included in the payroll by using the "Download List" option.

If you are not able to see the payroll run for cancellation then please check if any full and final has been done for a month after the payroll you are looking for. For example - if you an employee who's last working day was 30-Jun-2021 and you ran the regular June payroll for him and then processed a recovery Full and Final. The recovery Full and Final is treated as July payroll in the system. In this case to cancel June payroll in totality you will first have to cancel the July Full and Final for this employee.

2. To cancel a Full and Final - use option "Full and Final", you can select the employee name in the dropdown.

If employee's separation record has been closed and license released then on Full and Final cancellation the license will be added back from the month when it was released.

3. To cancel payroll for a single employee - Select the option "Single Employee Payroll". You will be able to select the name of the employee for whom you want to cancel the payroll. If you do not see the name of the employee it would be because the employee has been a part of a "Regular run", you will need to cancel the partial run of the month and then you will be able to cancel the for the desired employee.

Actions done on cancellation
The following activities are done in the system when we cancel a payroll or a full and final
1. Data which was created during the payroll run or full and final is deleted
2. Documents which are created during the monthly payroll output are also deleted. The group of employees who are included in this process can be different from the payroll run
3. Payment advice if generated is cancelled. This can be a different group of employees
4. TDS payment details, PT, ESI payment details, token numbers if updated are deleted
5. 24Q if generated is cancelled
6. Salary slip is deleted - If payroll for a single employee is being cancelled then payslip for only that employee will be deleted, salary slips for other employees who were a part of that payroll run will not be impacted.

These can all be regenerated after the corrected payroll is run.

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