Generating monthly payroll ouput documents

Generating monthly payroll ouput documents

Menu Path : Payroll > Payroll Files > Payroll Output tab
Accessible to : Payroll Manager

After you have confirmed a month's payroll you can generate the output documents except Salary slip from this page. Refer document on "Salary slip generation" for details on how to generate and send salary slips.

The table provides a summary information on the status of Payroll and Full and Final for the month, details which can be seen are -
1. Total employees - this is the total number of employees who are covered in this month
2. Payroll processed - this is the number of employees for which payroll has been processed and confirmed
3. Payroll pending - these are employees for which payroll is pending
4. FnF processed - these are employees whose full and final has been processed
5. Post FnF - these are employees whose full and final was closed earlier but another payment has been made to them using the "Post separation payment" feature.

To generate the statutory filing documents and other output files click on "Create Documents". If UAN numbers of some employees are missing or pending then you will get a message as shown below. Click on "Continue" as shown below. ECR File will be generate but UAN numbers will not be in the file for missing employees.

Once all the files are generated click on "Proceed" to access the files.

The documents which are generated are -

  • Salary Register – here we can called it as Aggregate salary register. This contains the salary details for all the employees (Regular payroll & Fnf Processed) for the month in an excel sheet
  • TDS Details – this is a report showing the TDS which is to be deducted for each employee for the month and also the year till date TDS amount
  • TDS / TCS Challan ITNS 281 – a separate challan is generated for each TAN number and employee type (Regular & Retainer). The amount which has been deducted from employee salary as TDS and is to be paid to the Income Tax authorities is given
  • ECR File – It is the prescribe text format for e-filing on pf portal. You can can download text file from this page to upload on PF portal.
  • Arrear ECR- It is also prescribed format by EPFO. You can upload employee where arrear on PF
  • ECR Exit- Employee which are getting resign from your company and participant in EPF by upload this file you can exit from EPFO portal. 
  • PT Challan- a separate challan is generated for each State
  • ESI Monthly Challan & ESI OUTPUT Excel File- is to be used to submit the Employer and Employee ESI deduction amount. e-File for ESI output also we can download from here

Click on "Close Payroll Month" to update the status in the system. Once this is done it can be reversed only when the payroll or full and final of an employee included in these documents is cancelled, refer article on "Cancelling confirmed payroll or finalized full and final" for more details . Closing has the following impact -
1. It finalizes these generated documents and these can now be downloaded from reports
2. You would be able to update the payment details for TDS(for 24Q, 26Q Quarterly return) , PT, LWF on the Update page after this

If you have excluded some employees from the first run of payroll and then run payroll again for the remaining employees or process full and final after closing the payroll month then you would see an entry on this page with a (2) as shown below.

This indicates that the a separate group of files will be generated for these employees. It is highly recommended that you close the payroll month only after running payroll and processing full and final for all employees or when you are preparing 24Q Quarterly return.

Any subsequent run after closing the payroll month will keep on showing the row with (3), (4) after this.

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