Managing calendars

Managing calendars

Menu Path : Setup > Common > Calendars
Accessible to : Application Administration

All calendars created by company including past and active calendars are shown on the page. You can select the year from drop down and view the details of any calendar by clicking on the View button on the row.

Calendars can be created to start from January or April. This is a one time setting and cannot be changed. Calendar start month is linked with Leave module, if a calendar starts from January then the year end processing of leave carry forward is done on 31-Dec.

Features available -

1. Calendar start month - this parameter can be changed only in the beginning and is used to define the calendar period. Using this you can create April - March or any other similar calendars.
2. Employee calendar mapping - this parameter is visible only if multiple calendar feature is activated and it allows you to select the roles which will be able to change employee mapping to an employee calendar. Refer to the article on Updating employee calendars for more details.
3. Backdated changes in calendar - this parameter allows to change calendar mapping from the backdate up to the number of days specified here. If nothing is specified then calendar can be changed from any date in past.
4. Enable restricted holiday feature - if you want to give employees the flexibility of choosing their holidays from a superset of restricted holidays then you can enable this feature. To use this feature you will have to first create a set of restricted holidays in the calendar and then create a leave with Category = Restricted. Refer article on Creating a new leave type for more details.

1. Single Vs Multiple Calendars

If you have multiple companies or multiple offices with different holiday list or if you have different weekly off patterns across different groups of employees you will need to activate multiple calendars, please get in touch with your Account Manager to get this feature activated if it is not available in your company.

There are three types of calendars -
1. Default calendar : this is the default calendar which has to be always there and is used to map employees who are not getting mapped to any other calendar. In case of single calendar setup this is the only calendar in use. At the end of year a new default calendar is automatically created 
2. Employee calendars : these calendars allow you to map employees manually, the "Employee Calendar Mapping" parameter shown above allows you to decide who will be able to map employees to existing employee calendars. Employee calendars can be mapped from Update Calendar page
3. Eligibility based calendars : these calendars are based on an eligibility condition and should be used when you have different holidays for different locations or different weekly offs for different departments. You can create a eligibility based calendar using criteria with following parameters -
- Employee Type, Employment Status, Company (If multiple company feature is enabled), Level, Department, Division, Office Location, Work Location. These parameters are only available if history feature is active for them.

Mapping to eligibility based calendars is done automatically whenever the parameter which makes an employee eligible or ineligible for a calendar is changed. 

2. Priority of Calendars

Priority is used in case employees are getting mapped to multiple calendars. The rule of deciding the employee-calendar map is as follows

1. Employee calendars will have the highest priority - an employee can be mapped to only one Employee calendar
2. Eligibility based calendars will have the next priority and within these each calendar is given a different priority manually
3. Default calendar has lowest priority 

3. Creating Calendars

To create a new calendar
a) Use "Add New Calendar" button if you want to create it from scratch
b) You can also copy an existing calendar by using the Copy option on the calendar
Note -
1. You can delete a recently created calendar if it has not been mapped to any employee using the Delete button
2. To edit a calendar and make changes you can use the "Edit Past" or "Edit Future" buttons. Refer to the article on Editing calendars for more details
If you click "Add New Calendar" button for the first time then you can create the default calendar. If you have multiple calendar feature activated then after creating the default calendar you can create other calendars, a popup will come and you can select the appropriate option as shown in image below:

 Step 1 - Calendar header data

Inputs to be given
1. Calendar Name: Give the name you want to use to refer to this Calendar
2. Priority: You can define the priority only in eligibility based calendars. Employee based calendars will always have a higher priority than eligibility based calendars
3. Start Date and End Date: These cannot be entered by you but are defined by system based on the year and the start month selected before

Step 2 - Updating Holidays

Add Compulsory and Restricted Holidays: When creating a new Calendar or editing an existing Calendar you can create new holidays. You can also edit or delete holidays by using the action buttons

Step 3a - Eligibility criteria based calendar

An eligibility based calendar will have a eligibility criteria which will identify the employees who are mapped to this calendar.

Step 3b - Employee Calendar

To select the employees which are to be mapped to an employee calendar you will need to use the "Update Calendar" page. Refer to the article on Updating employee calendars for more details.

4. Changing of calendar mapped to an employee

Sometimes the calendar mapped to an employee gets changed when we create a new calendar to which the employee gets mapped or if we deactivate the calendar to which the employee is mapped. Whenever the calendar is changed in such scenarios the change is always done from tomorrow and. If due to this change of mapping there is an impact on submitted / approved leaves, tour, work from home then these requests will be withdrawn.

5. Deleting / Deactivating / Closing calendars

Calendars can be deleted if they are in draft status, once submitted they can be deleted if no employee has been mapped to them.

An active calendar can be deactivated using the Deactivate button, when this is done all employees mapped to this calendar will be mapped to the next priority calendar from tomorrow and impacted leaves, work from home, tour, timesheets will be withdrawn or saved as draft. When a deactivated calendar is reactivated if it is eligibility based calendar then employees will be mapped to it from tomorrow. The effective dates for deactivation and reactivation will be one day after the activity is done.

Calendars will be closed automatically on the midnight (India Standard Time) between 1st and 2nd Jan, we are giving one extra day as there will be companies with different time-zones. If calendars are setup from April to March then they will close on the midnight between 1st and 2nd April.

6. Copying calendars

You can create next year's calendars by copying from current year's calendar. When you copy an employee calendar the mapping of employees to that calendar is also copied. Similarly, when you copy an eligibility based calendar the eligibility condition gets copied. To copy a calendar just click on the "Copy" button in the dropdown.

Remember to activate a copied calendar because it is saved as draft. You need to edit the calendar and click on Submit to activate a draft calender.

7. Creating calendars for next year

Calendars need to be created every year, this activity has to be done much before the end of year because employees will not be able to submit leaves, tour etc if calendar is not defined. Ideally calendar for the next year should be made by October. On 15th of December a draft Default calendar is made by copying the existing calendar and an alert is sent to the Application Administrator, asking him to update the activate next year's calendars. A reminder alert is sent on 22nd December.

If the draft is not activated by the Admin before 31st then on 31st night the Default calendar is automatically activated and all employees are mapped to it. As an Admin you should copy all existing calendars and create corresponding next year's calendars to retain the mapping of employees to the appropriate calendar.

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