Creating departments / divisions

Creating departments / divisions

All employees can be mapped to one and only one department (or sub-department). It is not compulsory to assign an employee to a department but it is highly recommended. Employees can be assigned to Departments during the onboarding process. Change of Department / Sub-department is handled through Department Transfer process.

1. Department Setup

Menu : Setup > Common > Departments
Accessible to : Application Administrator

On this page you can create departments. Each department has a Department Head role, for better understandings of Department Head role see section Roles in EazeWork HRMS. If the company has two levels of Departments and Sub-departments then the feature for mapping Sub-departments below a Department can be activated.

- Use “Add New Department” button to create new departments
- Use “Edit” button to modify details for an existing department
- Use "Deactivate" button to deactivate and hide a department from the main application, it can be done only if the department is not added to an active employee

Sub-departments can be created within a Department if this feature is activated.

2. Division Setup

Some companies use Divisions to combine offices in one country or to define a business unit. Divisions can be activated if needed on request. Each Division has a Division Head.

The process of creating, editing Divisions or Sub-divisions is exactly same as that for Department.

Note - You cannot delete a Department/ Sub-department or Division / Sub-division once it has been created.

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