Editing profile details

Editing profile details

EazeWork HRMS provides easy access to all the HR records of the employee and the relevant information at the Company / Department / Division / Location level. My Profile page within HRMS is where employee's profile details are stored. Access to various sections on this tab can be controlled from Setup and various options are shown below.
Edit Rights
Personal DetailsEmp, HR Team, Mgrs (optional)HR Team, Emp / Mgrs (optional)
Official DetailsEmp, HR Team, Mgrs (optional)HR Team, Mgrs (limited fields)
AddressesEmp, HR Team, Mgrs (optional)HR Team, Emp / Mgrs (optional)
Bank Accounts
Emp, HR Team, Mgrs (optional)HR Team, Emp / Mgrs (optional)
Statutory Numbers
Emp, HR Team, Mgrs (optional)HR Team, Emp / Mgrs (optional)
Additional DetailsEmp, HR Team, Mgrs (optional)HR Team, Emp / Mgrs (optional)
Family DetailsEmp, HR Team, Mgrs (optional)HR Team, Emp / Mgrs (optional)
Education QualificationsEmp, HR Team, Mgrs (optional)HR Team, Emp / Mgrs (optional)
Work Experience
Emp, HR Team, Mgrs (optional)HR Team, Emp / Mgrs (optional)
SkillsEmp, HR Team, Mgrs (optional)HR Team, Emp / Mgrs (optional)
Reference Documents
Emp, HR Team, Mgrs (optional)HR Team, Emp / Mgrs (optional)

These sections are visible to the employee and HR team by default, if needed they can be also made visible to the manager and upline managers. Whether the data in these sections can be edited by employees / managers and whether these changes are to be approved by HR team can also be configured in setup. Refer article on how to setup these sections.

Refer to the article "Employee HRIS details" for more information on the key fields which are covered in these sections.

Refer to the article on "My Profile" for an explanation of each section.

If approval of HRIS details is active then HR Manager can view these requests submitted by employees on EazeHR > HR Mgr > Employee Details - Employee Information Approval grid and approve or reject these changes. Refer article for more details. Changes made by Managers are not sent for approval to HR. Any changes made to custom fields is not sent for approval.

Editing Official Details
Official Details section of employee's profile can be edited by the Manager, HR Team. Manager can only change the following fields
a) Work Location mapping
b) Manager mapping

HR Manager, HR Executive or Chief of HR - jointly referred to as HR Team - can update all the details on Profile tab of My Profile page including Official details.

Change of date with history feature
For some of the key fields which are mapped to an employee like Office location, Department we need to provide an effective date whenever there is a change in value. The effective date can be both in past or in future. This level of detail is needed because the parameter might be used is some eligibility criteria like probation policy, leave policy etc. and the date of change is used to make employee eligible / ineligible for these policies.

Refer to the article on "Policies and Eligibility Conditions" for more details on which policies are created based on eligibility conditions and how changes in parameters impacts the mapping of employee to policies.

History is being maintained for the following fields by default - Company,  Employment Status, Employee Type. If can be enables for all fields in Official details section except Sub-Department and Sub-Division.

If history is not tracked for a parameter then that parameter will not available while creating a policy or for creating an eligibility condition.

To update any field just click on the drop down or update the value in the cell.
- If you try to update a field which has track history feature enabled then you will have to provide the effective date of the change as shown below

- If you are updating a field where letter generation has been enabled then you will see the sample letter, the letter format can be updated in setup by Administrator if needed

Locked Fields
Sometimes some fields are locked and you cannot change them, this is because these fields are being used in other place in EazeHR. For example, Job Category field is locked if Performance Management with Key Behavior Assessment is in process because the key behaviors are linked to the job category.

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