Flexible benefits setup

Flexible benefits setup

Application Administrator needs to activate and setup the feature of flexible benefits before it can be used by Payroll Managers and Employees. Refer to the article on Flexible benefits overview for an overview of this feature.
Steps to be followed for setting up this feature are

1. Activate the feature
Go to - Setup > Payroll Setup > Company setup

Once the feature is activated and is in use it cannot be deactivated.

2. Enable flexible options in heads
Go to - Setup > Payroll Setup > Salary Heads

Flexible heads can be enabled in three tabs - Salary Heads, Custom and Expense.

Only when the salary head is selected as flexi in setup can it be used in the main application. Once selected it cannot be deselected if it is in use in a salary template or in a salary structure.

3. Update flexible benefits in salary templates
Go to : Quick Access > Create Salary

Edit a salary template and edit the head for which you want to enable flexible benefit option.

For each head the Category, Type and whether the head is Flexible or not can be selected in the popup, The Min and Max limits are only visible if the flexi option is selected and this defines the range within which an employee or payroll manager can keep the value of the head.

4. Activating flexible benefits for existing employees
If the flexible benefit feature is activated after the salary structure has been created and payroll has been processed for some employees then just by changing the head in setup or in salary template will not make the head as flexible at the employee level. You will have to edit and modify the salary structure for each employee and activate this option at the salary head level. Refer to the article on Releasing flexible benefits for details on how to release this process to employees.

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