Flexible benefits overview
In some companies employees are allowed to design their own salary structure,
this feature is known as flexible benefits in EazeWork. Employees can decide
the amount they want to take across various heads which are a part of the flexible
plan, this typically excludes Basic pay and statutory heads. For each head a
minimum and maximum limit can be specified which can then be used to control
what employee declares.
For more details refer to articles on
1. Setting up flexible benefits
2. Releasing flexible benefit declaration
3. Updating flexible benefits
How to design of salary structure is explained in the articles on "New joiner salary updation" and "Creating salary in bulk".
Broad process outline is as follows -
- Payroll manager while creating the salary selects the heads, updates the value
and also the max / min limits of the head
- Payroll manager has the option of releasing a declaration process wherein employees
can update their flexible benefits but this is an optional process
- Employee cannot update their flexible heads unless the process is released
- Once employee update flexible heads amount request will go for approval to
payroll manager. Payroll manager have not permission to reject this request but
he can override amount if required and then status will change as approved.
- Payroll cannot be processed until all submitted request are either approved
or canceled
- Payroll manager has full rights to override the flexible benefit amount for
the employee at any time
- Salary heads which cannot be used for flexible benefit are Basic, Special
Pay, CTC components, Adhoc Payment / Deductions, Loans and Deduction
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