Linking attendance data and shift timings

Linking attendance data and shift timings

Attendance can be recorded either through a mobile / browser based punch or through a biometric / smart card machine. The biometric / smart card machines also log the In an Out movement of employees. If the employee comes to office around his shift start time then the shift and date are easily identified but if the employee comes very late or very early and if the time is near the next or previous day’s shift then there is a problem in identifying the correct shift and date.

EazeWork HRMS uses the following method to identify the shift / date of the employee – Suppose an employee is mapped to a shift with following timings
- Shift Start Time - 22:00
- Shift End Time - 07:00

Based on these shift times the day is divided into three parts
- Pre shift hours : 14:30 to 21:59
- Shift hours : 22:00 to 06:59
- Post shift hours : 07:00 to 14:29

Attendance can be marked between -
Pre Shift Start Time : 14:30 (same day)
Post Shift End Time : 14:29 (next day)

In Time
System marks him present on 5th with an In-time of 16:00
Early by 6 hours
System marks him present on 5th with an In-time of 11:00
Late by 13 hours
System marks him present on 6th with an In-time of 14:00
Late by 16 hours
System marks him present on 6th with an In-time of 23:00
Late by 1 hour

Employee's time stamp in all the three time intervals will be considered as the time for the day. Every shift will have a span of 24 hours including the pre shift + shift + post shift hours. In the above example employee can mark his attendance for 6-Aug till 14:29 am on 6-Aug. If he punches in at 14:30 on 6th then it will be considered as early punch for 7th.

If the shift pattern of an employee is changing from a morning to a night shift or vice versa there are some additional checks and rules applied. Consider the following scenario
- Morning Shift : 05:00 to 14:00
- Night Shift : 22:00 to 07:00
- Day Shift : 09:00 to 18:00

1. Change from Night to Morning shift – This change will not be allowed as there is a direct overlap between end of night shift and beginning of morning shift

2. Change from Night to Day shift – this is allowed but in this scenario if the employee comes at 08:00 on 8-Aug he will be marked as Present for 7-Aug but late by 10 hours. A batch job will close attendance of 7-Aug at 08:59 and any time stamp on or after 09:00 will be considered as attendance for 8-Aug

3. Change from Morning to Night shift – If employee is mapped to Morning shift till 7-Aug and is then mapped to Night shift from 8-Aug then
- Post shift hours for 7-Aug Morning shift are till 21:29 of 7-Aug
- Pre shift hours of 8-Aug Night shift will be extended to 21:30 of 7-Aug so that there is no time interval left which is not mapped to a day

Note : A change from Morning shift to Night shift within the same day is not allowed. This should be handled as overtime.
If the setup parameter "Enable Auto Time-out" is set as No then for employees whose attendance is being captured through bio-metric the end of day is processed through a batch job which is run at the end of post shift hours. Time stamps received through out the day are captured in log file but are not processed during the day.

Refer to the article on Managing Shifts for details on how to create and modify shift timings. Refer to the article on Managing Employee's Shifts for details on how to map shifts and manage roster for employees.

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