Menu : Setup > Common > Shifts and Weekly Offs > Shifts tab
Accessible to : Application AdministratorYou can create shifts from this page. A "Default" system defined shift
is always available – you can change its start and end times in the beginning
but once the shift is mapped to an employee the times cannot be changed. Default
shift cannot be deleted and its name also cannot be changed.
1. Select who all can change shift mapping for employees by selecting the options available
in "Employee Shift Mapping" parameter. Refer to the article on Shift assignment for more details of how to map shifts to employees
2. Backdated changes in shift- this parameter allows to change shift mapping from the backdate up to the number of days specified here. If nothing is specified then calendar can be changed from any date in past.
3. Use “Add New Shift” button to create new shift
If a shift is not mapped to any employee (now or in future) then it can be
deactivated. Inactive shifts will not be available for mapping on shift mapping
Creating a Shift
- Update the Shift name, Start Time, End Time and Breaks (optional)
- Start and End times cannot be changed once shift is in use
- If you want to put a check that employees marking their attendance through
browser or mobile should not be able to mark their In-Time after a certain time
in the beginning of the shift or they cannot mark their Out-Time before a certain
time with respect to the end of shift it can be done using the "Control In Time"
and "Control Out Time" parameters. In the example shown above employees will
be able to punch their In-Time upto 08:00 pm and can punch their Out-Time only
after 02:55 am.
- You can add breaks and define start and end times, break times are used to
calculate the productive time of an employee during the shift
Editing a Shift
Use "Edit" button to edit an existing shift. You can edit the following -
- Shift name
- Activate / Deactivate the Control In-Out Times parameters
- Add, modify or delete break details
Any changes you make will be updated in all the previous records as no history of these changes is stored.
The hours within which an employee can mark in and out time for a shift is explained
in the article on Linking attendance data with shift timing.