Payment of Statutory Bonus

Payment of Statutory Bonus

While performance bonus, retention bonus and various other types of adhoc bonuses can be paid to the employee there is one particular bonus which is mandated by the Government. This is governed by Payment of Bonus Act 1965 and its subsequent amendments. Highlights of this act are
- a minimum bonus of 8.33% and maximum is 20% of wages is payable
- if an employee falls under minimum wage rule and his wages are less than the minimum wages fixed by the state government then the payment is to be done as per minimum wages
- the Statutory Bonus is payable within 8 months from close of accounting year
- if is payable to all employees whose wages do not exceed INR 21,000 per month
- within one financial year the percentage multiplier which is to be used should be same for all employees even if the payment is being in different months
- if employee's wages equal to or more than INR 7,000 or the minimum wages fixed by the Government then the bonus is paid as per employee's wages
- if employee's wages are less INR 7,000 or the minimum wages fixed by the Government then the bonus is paid as per minimum wages or INR 7,000 whichever is higher

You can pay all types of bonus including the Statutory Bonus through EazeHR. Refer to the article on "Bonus / Variable component payments" for more details on how payment of Performance Bonus or other variable types of payments can be made.

Steps to be followed to pay Statutory Bonus -
1. From the Application Administrator role enable this feature from Payroll setup, refer article on "Payroll general setup" for more details
2. If Statutory Bonus is to be paid through Salary Structure in monthly payroll (see option I below) then the Statutory Bonus salary head also needs to be activated, refer to the article on "Setting up salary heads" for more details.
3. There are four ways in which Statutory Bonus can be paid to employees and each of them are explained below. Three methods are linked to advance Statutory Bonus payment during the year and fourth explains the standard process of paying Statutory Bonus after the financial year is over

I. Advance payment through salary
To pay advance Statutory Bonus through salary you will need to include this as a head in the salary structure. Once it is included in salary structure it gets paid automatically through payroll.

II. Advance payment as an adhoc head
If you have not added Statutory Bonus in an employee's salary structure you can still make the payment through the Adhoc payment process. Refer to the article on "Payroll process - step 2" for more details.

Note : Through both the above mentioned processes the amount of bonus paid is not based on any percentage of wages, if any percentage has to be maintained it will have to be calculated outside EazeHR. System also does not check whether the employees are within the specified wage limit or not.

III. Advance payment in bulk
If you want to pay in advance during the year but also based on a percentage of wages then you can use this option. Steps to be followed to do so are -

1. Select the option to process Statutory Bonus as shown above in the Payroll process - Step 2 stage.

2. In the popup which comes select the period for which you want to pay the bonus. If you want to pay Statutory Bonus in advance then you will be selecting the current financial year.

When you select the current financial year you can select any period within the year.

3. You can review the list of employees who will be considered for Statutory Bonus payment click on "Download" button as shown below. This list will include -
a) all regular employees who have been employed during the duration selected including resigned employees
b) it will not include those employees who are currently on the payroll but are not included in this month's payroll run
c) it will not include any resigned employee who is not included in this month's payroll

At this stage the system does not check the wage limit of INR 21,000. The wage limit will be checked while doing the calculations as a part of payroll run in a subsequent step, for each employee for each month in the period and only those employees whose wages are less than or equal to 21,000 will be paid Statutory Bonus.

IV. Arrear payment in bulk
The steps to be followed to pay Statutory Bonus in arrears are similar to those explained in the previous method - "Advance payment in bulk". However there are some differences and key points to be considered
1. While you can pay advance Statutory Bonus any number of times and with varying percentages the arrear payment can be done only once for an employee and only after his March payroll for the year has been confirmed. For resigned employees (whose Full and Final has been completed) the arrear Statutory Bonus payment will be processed in the first run of this process with any payroll.
2. You cannot select a partial period - the bonus period has to be selected as April to March, for individual employees their period will depend upon their date of joining, wages
3. Form C and Form D can be generated only after this process has been completed

Once the payroll is processed you can review the details of Statutory Bonus paid through "Statutory Bonus Payment Details" report.

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