Project overview

Project overview

Project modules is used to
- create projects : projects can be customer specific, can have a budget in terms of number of hours which are to be spent in each type of activity and a target end date
- deployment of employees on projects
- track status of employees - on bench, under training and also track roll-offs from projects
Project and Timesheet are two different modules that work together. Timesheet module is optional and can be activated only if Project module can be enabled.

Projects can have following statuses:
- Draft: still not released
- Active: project is active and employees can book time on it
- Closed: project is no longer active and employees cannot book time on it

When a Project Manager resigns, on the last working day all the projects mapped to him would be mapped to his manager and if no manager is mapped then to Application Administrator. Alert of project mapping to the new Project Manager would go on this event.

Further reading -
1. Project setup
2. Resource Management

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