Project setup

Project setup

Menu Path : Setup > EazeHR > Projects
Accessible to : Application Administrator

Key activities to be done on this section are covered in separate tabs. This article covers three of these tabs, links to articles for other tabs are also given.
1. Process Setup tab - through this tab you setup the features and workflow of this module
2. Charge Codes tab - Creating and managing charge codes
3. Manage Projects tab - Creating and managing projects - can also be done by Project Manager or Resource Manager, "refer article"
4. Project Employee Map tab - Assigning to and removing from projects - can also be done by the Project Manager or Resource Manager, "refer article"
5. Resource Categorization - Creating category and sub categories for tracking employee status

1. Process Setup

In this tab the parameters / features which can be configured are
- Activate Resource Management : refer to the article on Resource Management for more details, if you want to use Resource Management feature select this parameter. This feature can be deactivated at any point of time
- Project Creation Rights : by default the option to create new projects is only given to Application Administrator, you can additional give this right to Project Manager and Resource Manager. When this right is given to Project Managers whatever projects they create will be assigned to them as Project Manager and they cannot change this assignment. Project creation rights also include rights to edit or close projects
- Employee Mapping to Projects : by default the option to assign / remove employees from projects is only given to Application Administrator, you can additional give this right to Project Manager and Resource Manager. When this right is given to Project Managers they can manage employee assignment / removal only from their own projects. These rights also include the rights to update rates and cost of employees on projects
- Mapping Customer to Project is compulsory : if this parameter is enabled then while creating a project mapping of a customer is compulsory
- Automatically map employees to a project : Application Administrators can select a default project to which all employees who are new joiners or rolling off from a project will be automatically mapped. This will only map those employees who are mapped to only one project and are rolling off, if the employee is mapped to more than one project then default project mapping will not be done on roll off.
If Resource Management feature is activated then for new joiners / on roll-off the default Category / Sub Category / Sub Sub Category which will be mapped can also be specified. The project which is mapped as default project for mapping of new joiners cannot be closed.

2. Managing Charge Codes
As the Application Administrator you can manage the charge codes against which employees can book time. Charge codes are common across the company and can be mapped against multiple Project codes. This tab is visible only if Timesheet module is activated.

- Add new Charge Code through using Add New button. Define it as billed or unbilled charge code. The selection of billed / unbilled cannot be changed once the charge code has been used
- You can save a charge code as draft which can updated and used later
- You can deactivate an active charge code, a deactivated charge code cannot be mapped to any new projects but if it has been mapped to some projects earlier the employees can continue to book time
- Draft charge code can be deleted. It cannot be deleted once it has been made active
- Inactive charge cannot be mapped to any new project, and can be hidden using the Hide option
- Hidden charge codes can be recalled using "Recall Hidden Charge Codes" button
- You can change charge code and description using Edit action button at any point of time

3. Resource Categorization

As the Application Administrator you can create category, sub-category and sub sub-category for tracking the employee status. This tab is visible only if Resource Management feature is activated.

These categories can be mapped with the employees by the Resource Manager or Resource Coordinator from manage resource page. Refer article "Resource management" for more details.

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