Role of Assessor or Reviewer during PMS

Role of Assessor or Reviewer during PMS

This article explains the various activities which an Assessor or Reviewer are expected to do during the Performance Management process.

Menu Path : Team > Performance Management Review tab
Accessible to : Assessors and Reviewers

Assessors and Reviewers would be able to view and work upon the performance sheets of the employees mapped to them from this tab. If multiple cycles are active then you will need to select the cycle for which you want to review / update from the first drop-down.


On the page the details of performance review cycle for all employees for whom you are an Assessor (first level) or an Reviewer (second level) is shown. The options available to you would depend upon the stage and status of the process. Explanation of the columns of the table is given below -

Stage - in this column the stage at which the performance review cycle is for the employee is shown, stages are linked to review frequency which can be monthly, quarterly, six monthly or annual.

Status - in each stage there are three status
- Pending : inputs have not been updated by employee
- Submitted : employee has given inputs but the assessment and review are pending, even if assessment is done and review is pending the status will be shown as pending
- Approved : the reviews have been done and this stage is complete

Pending With : this column will indicate who is supposed to work on the performance sheet, but the person whose name is here can work on the sheet only when the process is opened by the Performance Manager

You can use the "Bulk Update" button to update goals or update your feedback in bulk. You can use the "Hide Cycle" button to hide the cycle from view and use the "Recall Hidden Cycle" button.

1. Goal setting
1a) Manually updating goals
Click on "Edit" button on the row. This will open the performance sheet and you can review the goals as an assessor. If the status is Submitted and you are not getting the Edit button then the performance window has closed
- Check the input which has been filled up by the employee and update or modify as needed
- If you want to read the description of the Criteria a tool-tip can be used
- Use "Save as Draft" button to save the sheet as draft or use "Submit" button to approve and submit the goals 

If you want to add a new criteria or change the weightage or description or an existing criteria or delete a criteria you can do so at this stage. If you are not able to do so it would be because this option has been disabled in your company. You an update the Performance Goals of the employee. Whatever changes you make to the sheet will be visible to him.


After the goals are submitted the Performance Manager can view employee’s goals and release the next stage when it becomes due.

1b) Returning goal sheet
Assessors can return the goal sheet back to the employee. This can be done by using the "Return" option on the Action buttons. Employee will get an alert and will be able to resubmit his goals.

1c) Copying goals
You can copy goals from another of your reportees whose goals have been approved. Click on "Copy Goals" button. Please note that if you copy goals then the inputs updated by the employee will be overwritten.


1d) Updating Goals during middle of year

If goals have changed due to any reason Assessor can use the "Update Goal" action button, this will open up a table where the current goals are shown in pink color below which revised goals can be entered in a new row which is pre-filled with existing goals. This option might not be available to you if not allowed as per company policy.

On submission this revision will be updated and the employee will get an alert informing him that his goals have been updated.

Performance goals can be updated by the Assessor till the employee has not submitted his annual self assessment, once the employee submit the annual self assessment goals cannot be updated.

2. Periodic Feedback by Assessor and Reviewer

Assessor will get notification when the employee submits his/her self assessment, and he can then go to the employee performance sheet from the same tab as explained above. If only qualitative feedback is to be given then the form shown below will be visible.

Once the Assessor has provided the feedback the document will be routed to the Reviewer if two level assessment is enabled. If Assessor and Reviewer roles are with the same person then the second step will be skipped. Besides the feedback score or rank on each criterion will also have to be entered if scoring feature is enabled.

If the employee or assessors / reviewer do not fill up the self assessment or provide their feedback in the given time period; after the time window is closed the control of Performance Sheet will go to Performance Manager and he can fill these up on behalf of the employee or assessor / reviewers.

In some scenarios a summary feedback and rating is needed to be given at each stage of the performance review cycle.

3. Annual assessment

3a) Scoring and Feedback
Similar to the other parts of the process here also the process is released by the Performance Manager, self assessment is done by the employee and feedback is given by the Assessors and Reviewers.

1. Feedback and Rank - In the example shown below besides the qualitative feedback the ranking on a scale is also being given. You might be required to give scores also, it depends upon the configuration of the process.

2. Assessor is also expected to fill up final comments which can highlight some key feedback points. Recommended rating for the employee is also provided by the Assessor. This rating is only visible to the Reviewer and Performance Manager and is not visible to the employee. If the feature of automating recommended rating is taken then the rating will be decided based on the scores or ranks given automatically.
On submission the document will be routed to the Reviewer who will have to complete similar activities.

3. Recommended for Promotion / Salary increment - The options for providing inputs for promotion and salary increment might also be available as per the company policy. Whatever is inputted here is ratified by the senior management and HR team.

3b) Individual Development Plans
Assessor and Reviewer can provide structured feedback and identify training programs which the employee should be taken through. Refer to the article on "Individual development planning" for more details.

3c) Career Development Plans
Assessors and Reviewer can identify aspects of employee’s career development plan during the annual review. Career development plan is not visible to the employee. Refer to the article on "Career development planning" for more details.

3d) Key Behavior Assessment
If you company has also included Key Behavior Assessment as a part of the performance review cycle you will need to map the behavior levels of employee on the key behavior criteria.

4. Hiding and Recalling Old Performance Cycles

You can hide a performance cycle from the page by clicking on the "Hide Cycle" button, when this is done the selected cycle is removed from the page. To recall this cycle click on "Recall Hidden Cycle" button.

5. Bulk updating performance data
Click on "Bulk Update" button. The section as shown below will open.


You can download the template and fill up the goals / assessment details in it. Please follow the instructions given on the page and also on the first tab of the downloaded excel carefully.

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