Compensatory Off is a system define leave, please get in touch with your Account Manager to get it activated. Once activated you can change in leave setup as per your configuration and make it available for use to the employees. This article explains the setup for a two step compensatory off.
Leave Details
Leave Type - Short description of leave, Leave type will be as Compensatory Off by default but you can change this
Effective Date - This is the date from which the Leave Type is available to all the users who are eligible for this leave type. Effective date cannot be less then calendar start date and can only be from the beginning of the month
Leave Basis - This is the basis of on which leave is given to the Employee. It defines the period or instance on which leave is given. This leave is define on 'Per Incidence' basis by default and cannot be changed
Category - Leave category will be 'Leave' for this leave and cannot be changed
Accrual Method - This defines the point of time when leave is credited to the employee's leave account. Accrual basis is define 'Per Incidence' by default for this leave and cannot be changed. Per Incidence method implies that leaves are accrued on the basis of the request (incidence)
Short Code - is a two digit alphanumeric code and short code will 'CO' for this leave and cannot be changed
Holiday Counted - If a holiday falls in between a leave period it will be counted as a leave only if this option is checked. If the box is unchecked then any holiday falling in the leave period will not be counted as a leave
Weekly Off Counted - If a weekly off falls in between a leave period it will be counted as a leave only if this option is checked. If the box is unchecked then any weekly off falling in the leave period will not be counted as a leave
Note - for the above two points system does not differentiate between full day
or partial day status of leave, if an employee is on half day LWP on Friday and
then tries to take LWP on Monday and Saturday and Sunday are weekly off and if
the "Weekly off counted" is checked as yes then system will ask him to submit
the second leave from Saturday.
Future Entry Period - The period in future for which an employee can put in a leave request is determined by this value and also the period of active calendar. If today is 15-Dec and future entry period is given as 30 days but the calendar for next year is not yet created then leaves can be submitted for only upto 31-Dec
Past Entry Period - Leave requests and Leave withdrawal requests can be put into the system within this period for past entry. So if today is 15-Dec and past entry period is 30 days then leave upto 15-Nov can be entered but not before that
Minimum no of days allowed per leave request - If partial day leaves are enabled then this field is prefilled else you can setup the minimum number of leaves which are to be taken in each request
Maximum no of days allowed per leave request - Through this the maximum duration of leave which can be taken in one application is controlled.
Allow to apply leave during notice period - If this is selected as Yes then employee cannot take this leave when he is serving notice period
Attachment Compulsory - If this is selected as Yes then employee has to attach a document when he is submitting a leave request and the attachment becomes compulsory based on the value in "Minimum Leave Duration" parameter
Allow Compensatory Off on account of - through this parameter you can control if compensatory off can be requested for all days or only for working on weekly offs and holidays
Expiry in Days - Through this parameter you can define a value in days which will mean leave will be expire after given period if not consumed. Expiry is measured from the date of approval of the compensatory off request.
Send Comp Off Expiry Alert - through this parameter you can define how many days before the expiry of an accrued comp off the alert is sent. This alert is sent to the employee.
Maximum Compensatory Off Grant Numbers - Through this parameter you can set maximum grant value so that employee can not take leave more than this value. If this null then no limit to take grant leave. This limit does not include the leaves manually granted by HR Manager from HR Manager > Leaves > Leave Grant tab
Clubbing not allowed with these leaves - Activation of this parameter will prevent employee from taking this leave if selected leaves has been taken in preceding or succeeding periods. Even if the leave request is in submitted status and even if the leave duration is partial day, this parameter will be applicable
Allow Leave Encashment and Notice Period adjustment - If selected as yes then this leave is available for encashment when encashment process is released by the HR Manager. Refer to article on "Leave encashment" for more details. If notice period is to be recovered then this leave will be available for recovery only if this parameter is selected as yes. If this parameter is not visible then encashment feature has not been activated for your company, please get in touch with your Account Manager if you want this to be activated
Leave Description - Long description of leave, this is shown on the top of the page when employee is applying for the leave
Eligibility Criteria - By default the criteria is All and it can be changed to design who all will be eligible for this leave. Refer to article on Managing leave eligibility criteria for more details
Request Grant Initiation and Approval Settings - The roles which can create the grant leave request are given here. Multiple initiators and approvers can be selected
Request Initiation and Approval Settings - The roles which can
approve the consumption of compensatory off leave request are given here. Multiple
initiators and approvers can be selected