EazeWork Feature Update - June 2024

EazeWork Feature Update - June 2024

Production Server Updation Date - 13 July 2024

1. HRIS and Onboarding
  1. The feature to manage weekly offs of employees has been enhanced significantly
    1. weekly off patterns can now be created like shift patterns outside the calendar, this allows for greater flexibility and significantly reduces the need to create multiple calendars. Refer to the article on Creating weekly offs for more details
    2. weekly of patterns can be mapped to employees like shifts / calendars are mapped, wrong mapping of weekly off can be corrected from past date. Refer to the article on Managing employee's weekly offs for more details
    3. if there are employees who do not have a fixed weekly off they can mapped to Flexi weekly off plan. The process of assigning a weekly off to such employees has been simplified
2. Recruitment
  1. Setup pages have been redesigned and parameters grouped together for easier management
  2. Additional parameters have been introduced which will allow the Administrator to control the employee type, company, department, division and selection of transfer and backfill records by the hiring manager when creating a new job opening. Refer article on Recruitment process setup for more details
  3. Job opening status report has been enhanced to also show the list of employees mapped as backfill or transfer against the job opening
  4. If an employee hired against a job opening is updated as "Did Not Join" by the HR team during onboarding then a notification is sent to the Recruitment team and the vacancy / job opening is reopened
3. Performance Management
  1. Setup pages have been redesigned and parameters grouped together for easier management
  2. Performance improvement plan period can now be defined in days as well. Refer article on Setting up Performance Improvement Plan for more details 
4. India Payroll
  1. A new parameter is added on employee's Payroll Details page, "PAN is inoperative". By default it will be updated as Yes, if this parameter is made as No then system will deduct TDS at 20% or slab rate whichever is higher. Refer to the article on TDS calculation methodology point 3.3 for more details.
  2. When tax saving proofs are being uploaded by Payroll Manager using an excel file, heads which have been declared in multiple rows by employee will not come in excel as system does not allow to update same head through multiple rows when updating data through excel
  3. Upload of supporting document during tax saving submission can now be made compulsory
  4. The option to remove an employee from PF or ESI even after payroll has been processed is now available
  5. Form 16 bulk upload process has been enhanced to ensure smoother user experience, up to 100 Form 16 can be uploaded in one go now
  6. Taxfree heads mapped to section 17(2) can now be modelled and paid as a part of salary. Refer to the article on Understanding taxability of salary components and Setting up salary heads > Custom heads section for more details
  7. Bug has been corrected in the tax calculation for Retainers system was so far deducting tax only on current month's salary when salary was crossing the annual threshold value of 100,000. This has been corrected and tax will be deducted on total income for the financial year as soon as the threshold value is exceeded

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