Employee payroll detail management

Employee payroll detail management

Menu path : Payroll > Employee Details
Accessible to : Payroll Manager

This is the page from where summary status of all payroll records can be seen and detailed record for any employee can be accessed. There are eight tabs on this page
1. Payroll Details
2. Pending For Updation
3. Pending Activities
4. Resigned Employees
5. Loans and Advances
6. Perquisite Loans
7. 206AB
8. Pension Details

1. Payroll Details

From this tab you can review the status of all employees in terms of till when payroll has been processed and also access record for any one employee for further updation by clicking on Edit.

On Editing the record you will be navigated to employee pages. Refer to articles on -
- Payroll Details
- Declarations
- Salary Structure
for more details.

2. Pending for Updation

Whenever a new employee joins the company and his status is updated as joined by HR Manager an alert will come to you and on this tab the record will be visible. Records in the first table of this tab have some details missing or have some pending approvals. Payroll for these records cannot be run unless the pending point is cleared.

Activities you can do from this tab are -
1. Update the first payroll month - a default month is shown based on the date of joining, but it can be changed. See the "Apr-2020" highlighted section above. When you click on the month hyperlink a popup will open up as shown below -

Please note if you make first payroll month as one month after the month of joining then there are two constraints
a) Salary structure of the employee is created from the 1st of the first payroll month. In the above example, if date of joining is 24th March and we want to keep the first payroll month as April then salary for 7 days of March can be paid in April payroll as arrears but the salary structure will be created from 1-April in the system. Which means that if the salary is changed later with effect from 1-Apr system will not automatically correct the amount which was paid for 7 days of March.
b) Any LWP which is updated for March will not be considered in Payroll

2. Select Retainer category - this is applicable for only India payroll. There are three types of categories, each with a different TDS
- Professional : TDS is deducted @10% under section 194J if aggregate payment in a financial year exceeds or will exceed INR 30,000
- Contractor Individual : TDS is deducted @1% under section 194C for Individual or HUF
- Contractor Other : TDS is deducted at 2% under section 194C for other categories
Under section 194C TDS is deducted if payment > INR 30,000 in one transaction or if the aggregate payment exceeds or will exceed INR 100,000. Please refer to the Income Tax laws for more understanding. If Retainer category is not activated then this column is not visible.

Note - If PAN Number is not available then TDS will be deducted @20% even for Retainers.

By default "Professional" retainer category is shown you can change it by clicking on the label.

3. Excluding employees from payroll - If you do not want to run payroll for a new joiner you can use the "Exclude" button to move their records to the Excluded table. You can bring these records back using the "Include" button.

4. Editing employee record - Use the Edit button to open the employee's record to update other details. You might not get the Edit button for a new record if the first payroll month / retainer category has not been updated. Click on the "Submit" button below the table to submit the default values of first payroll month and retainer category which are visible and then you will get the Edit button.

3. Pending Activities

In this tab you can review pending activities. Some of the activities might be compulsory to be done before payroll can be processed and some might be optional. Refer to the article on Pending Payroll Activities for more details.

4. Resigned Employees

From this tab details of resigned employees can be accessed.

Hidden records can be recalled using "Recall Record" button. Records can be hidden using the "Hide" or "Hide All" button.

5. Loans & Advances / Perquisite Loans

On these tabs you can update loan details for a loan taken by the employee. Loan updated here will not go through an approval work flow.

To understand different types of loans and how they can be managed please refer to -
1. Loans without perquisite
2. Loan with perquisite
3. Pre Payment of Loan

6. 206AB

On this tab you can review the status of 206AB declaration submission. Refer to the articles on Deductions under section 206AB and Submitting 206AB declaration for more details.

As shown above one employee has submitted the declaration and one is pending. To send a reminder to the pending employees click on "Send Reminder Alert".

You can also update the declarations on behalf of employees. Refer to Employee Details - Payroll Details article for more details.

7. Pension Details

On this tab you can update the details for employees who want to claim exemption from filing Income Tax return under section 194P.

- Select Yes in "Eligible for 194P" column
- Update the Gross Pension being paid through the financial year, please note that this is the figure which will be reported in Quarter 4 - 24Q
- Update the interest amount as declared by the employee

Once these declarations are submitted the details will reflect in Q4 24Q generated for the financial year.

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