Training setup

Training setup

Menu Path: Setup > EazeHR > Training
Accessible to: Application Administrator

1. Training Master Creation

A master list as shown below is created from which the trainings can be planned.The same list is visible during Performance management review when the input is taken form the Assessors for individual development plans for a specific employee.

You can add new training using "Add New Training" button

To create a new training you will have to enter
a) Training Code
b) Training Description
c) Details : give more details about the objective of the training
d) Prerequisites : if there are any prerequisites for the training they can be entered here
e) Duration : select the duration of training
f) Venue : input the venue of training
g) Training Certificate : if you want to issue a training certificate make this as Yes. You will then be able to select a training certificate format from our library of formats. Refer to the section below on how to configure a training certificate
h) Select if this is an internal or external training
i) Cost
Only Training Code, Training Description and Training Details are needed to create a training in master, all other fields are optional fields.

Some fields of a Training once added to the master can be edited but it cannot be deleted if it has been used but if you do not want to use it then you can use the "Deactivate" option to change the status to "Inactive", the status can be changed back to "Active" any time in future.

a) Training Description - will change all records
b) Details - impact will be only on future trainings
c) Prerequisites - impact will be only on future trainings
d) Duration / Start Time / End Time : impact will be only on future trainings
e) Venue : impact will be only on future trainings
f) Training Certificate : any change will impact trainings which have not yet been closed
g) Type - impact will be only on future trainings
h) Cost - impact will be only on future trainings
i) Custom fields - impact will be only on future trainings

Click on "View" button to view the training

Note - you can add custom fields to the training master form. Refer to the article on "Creating Custom Fields" for more details.

External Trainer Master
In case you have the trainers who come from outside the company, you need to list them in this external trainer master. This list would be visible during the process of planning a training.

Training Year
Training year is defined once in the beginning, it is used to define the period of the annual training plan. This can be done if Performance Management module is not activated otherwise it will only reflect the performance year filled up on Performance module. 

Feedback alert to be sent after closure of training
An alert for receiving feedback of the training can be sent manually or automatically. If you have enabled automatic training alert then you can further define when the alerts to employee and their managers is to be sent. If value of 1 is given then the alert is sent at the end of day when training is closed. If manual sending of alert is enabled then the Training Manager will have to manually send the alert from Training Dashboard after closing the training. Changes to this parameter will only impact trainings which have not been closed.

Refer document on "Requesting training feedback" for more details.

2. Configuring Training Certificate

- Click on "Customize" button as shown above
- In the popup you can select any of the preloaded Training Certificates as shown below

- You can add a custom message
- You can also select who's signature will be appended on the training form from the Signed By drop-down. Please note that the signatures can be uploaded in Common Setup > General Setup page

3. Bulk Upload
You can upload training masters in bulk. Click on "Bulk Upload" button on the first tab. Refer to the article on Bulk upload of Training data for more details. If there is a single Training Manager mapped in the company then you can also upload past training data and update the participant list, if there are multiple Training Managers mapped then it can be only done by Training Managers for their set of employees.

4. Training Feedback Form

Using this tab you can modify the feedback forms which are used to receive feedback from Employee and Managers on completion of training.

Select Employee or Manager to access respective forms.

The following options are available -

1. Update Instructions - these are visible on the top of the page to the respondent
2. Add / Edit / Remove Sections - Questions are grouped in sections, to add a new section click on "Add New Section" button. You input the section name and save it in the table
3. Add / Edit / Remove Questions within a Section - Click on "Add Questions" button to move to the next page where you can work on questions

Adding / Editing a Question

Within each section you can have multiple questions.

You can edit the existing questions, delete existing questions or add new questions.

A question can be of the following types -
- Single Choice
- Multiple Choice
- Text Only

You can update the options for single / multiple choice questions and also select if -
- Response is compulsory
- Comments can be given
- Comments are compulsory

 For a text only question you can specify if you want more than one response.

Note - If the training feedback form is updated the revised form will be used only for trainings which are closed after the revision. All the training which have been closed earlier to the revision will continue to use the previous feedback form.

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