Menu Path : HR Manager > Onboarding > Validation Pending tab
Quick Access : HR Manager > Bulk Upload & Update > Validation Pending tab
Accessible to: As per setup
After an employee record is added this tab will start showing it in a row. From
here you can -
1. Delete a record as long as employee has not done the account validation. Click
on "Delete Record" button to do so
2. Edit and change the email id or mobile number if it was not correct
3. Send / Resend validation email if employee is not able to find it
4. Send / Resend SMS (this option is available only for Indian mobile numbers)
The status of Email and SMS might take some time to be updated from Pending to Sent as these are sent using a mail server and an SMS gateway. Once employee validates his email the record will be removed from this tab. Once an email is sent and received by the employee the status is shown as Active, other status are Bounced, Unsubscribed, Complained which mean that the employee has blocked / unsubscribed or complained on the email received by him. You will have to request him to not to do so and accept the sending email as a safe sender. Once an employee marks our sending email as Spam then no email can be sent to his email id from our servers.
Even if the role of HR Manager or HR Executive is divided amongst multiple employees
this tab will be visible to all employees having these roles even if they are
not mapped as HR Manager or HR Executive of the selected company.
Menu Path : HR Manager > Onboarding > Pending for Updation tab
Quick Access : HR Manager > Bulk Upload & Update > Pending for Updation tab
Accessible to: As per setup
On this tab all records which are pending to be updated as joined are visible including records where employee has not done his email validation.
In case of Inter-company transfers names of the employees which are getting transferred to a new company will also come in this tab. Refer to the article on Inter-company Transfers for more details.
Status which are visible on this tab are -
1. Validation Pending : employee has not validated his email id
2. Onboarding Pending : employee has not reviewed / filled up his onboarding
3. Update as Joined Pending : employee has completed his activities but HR Manager
has not updated the record as joined
4. Pending : this status is visible only for Non-Web licenses are these users
do not have to do the validation or onboarding processes and is same as the "Update
as Joined Pending"
If the role of HR Manager or HR Executive is divided amongst multiple employees then records in tab will be visible to only those HR Manager / HR Executive which are mapped to the employees as per the domain. For example if HR Manager is mapped by Department, till the point Department is not filled up for the employee the record will be visible to all, as soon as Department is filled then the record will be visible only to the HR Manager who is mapped to the employee's Department.
If a row is visible in pink color it means that some compulsory fields / documents are pending for upload by HR Manager or the date of joining is in future. Actions which can be done from this tab are -
1. Update employee's details
To update these details click on "Update" button. You will be able to fill up
the fields in a popup as shown below.
2. Update as Joined
Once you have updated the missing fields you can select the check-box in the
first column click on "Update as Joined" button above the table to update the
record. The conditions which need to be fulfilled before you can do so
are -
a) All compulsory pre-onboarding activities should have been completed, you can
do mouse-over on the the employee name to check if any activity is pending or
you can check the details from Onboarding Status report
b) Employee's date of joining is not in future
c) All compulsory date needed for onboarding has been updated (row color is white)
You can update employees as joined even before they have verified their accounts or updated their onboarding form with the compulsory fields which have been assigned to them for updation but only on or after their date of joining. Once you update an employee as joined you can fill up the missing fields from My Profile page or through bulk update process but this would fall under regular HRIS data maintenance as onboarding process is over.
After you click on "Update as joined" the following will be done.
a) employee code updation - if you have chosen the option to input the code manually
then you will have to provide the code, if system based code is being given then
it will be automatically generated
b) if the employee is a re-joiner you will be notified through a popup, re-joiners are identified based on Email ID, National ID, PAN, UAN, PRAN numbers, they are NOT identified based on Mobile Numbers. The employee can now be given Appointment letter, if he/she has to be removed
it has to be through the Separation process
3. Did not join
If an employee has failed verification or has not turned up on the expected date
of joining or is not to be retained in the company you can click on "Didn't Join".
When you click on "Didn't Join" system will update the employee as Did Not Join and all attendance, leave records if any of this employee will be deleted. You will be able to see these records in Not Joined Employee List report.
Note - if the date of joining is in future the record will continue to be shown in this table even if all details have been updated. If the employee validates himself before his date of joining he will still be able to access the system only after his date of joining, the only activity he can do before his date of joining is updation of his HR records and submission of documents as per the onboarding process design.
Condition on Office Location Mapping
For Regular / Retainer employees -
a. If the employee's company does not have payroll module activated then office
location can be any location which is available in location setup with the company
b. If company has manual salary slip option (where we can upload salary from
excel) option then also office location can be any location
c. If company has payroll module then only those locations will show in office
location drop down which are from the same country as of the company
2. In Recruitment the location which is given while creating the job opening
is Office location or when submitting offer for approval -
a. If company has payroll and employee type = Regular or Retainer then same as
b. If company has payroll and employee type = Subcontractor then Office Location
can be any location
c. If company does not have payroll then same as 1a or 1b
3. Work location can be any location mapped to the company
4. Office location for Subcontractor can be any location mapped to the company