Updating employee data in bulk

Updating employee data in bulk

Menu : HR Manager > Onboarding > Upload / Update tab
Accessible to : HR Managers / HR Executive / Chief of HR as per Setup

If you want to update data for multiple employees using an excel then this option should be used. Steps to be followed are -

1. Bulk Update of all Sections

1. Click on "Bulk Update" button. In the popup select the section for which you want to update data. The list of sections is same as the sections on My Profile page.

Click on Next button.

2. Click on "Download Template" button as shown below and in the downloaded template fill up the fields you want to be updated. Please take care of the following points -
a) Do not delete any column
b) Do not change the name of the excel file, name of the tab or any column heading
c) Fill up the data in rows making sure to enter the correct employee code in the first column

d) Do not give the same employee code in two rows, system will reject the second record

Updating fields with history tracking enabled - If any field has history tracking enabled, for example if in Official Details section Department is to be changed and Department has history tracking enabled then you will have to provide the effective date of change in the next column - "Department - Effect Date(dd/mm/yyyy)"

3. Click on "Upload" button, system will check the uploaded data for syntax and logical correctness and will give you a message once all the data has been checked. If you are uploading hundreds of rows please be patient.

4. To see errors click on "Download Rejected Data". To see approved records click on "Download Approved Data". Click on "Submit" to submit the data which is complete and ready for upload.

2. Bulk Update of Official Details

1. Click on "Bulk Update" button. In the popup select the section official details to update data. 

Click on Next button.
2. Click on "Download Template" button as shown below and in the downloaded template fill up the fields you want to be updated. Please take care of the following points -
a) Do not delete any column
b) Do not change the name of the excel file, name of the tab or any column heading
c) Fill up the data in rows making sure to enter the correct employee code in the first column

Updating fields with history tracking enabled - If any field has history tracking enabled, for example if in Official Details section Department is to be changed and Department has history tracking enabled then you will have to provide the effective date of change in the next column - "Department - Effect Date(dd/mm/yyyy)"

3. Click on "Upload" button, system will check the uploaded data for syntax and logical correctness and will give you a message once all the data has been checked. If you are uploading hundreds of rows please be patient.

4. To see errors click on "Download Rejected Data". To see approved records click on "Download Approved Data". Click on "Submit" to submit the data which is complete and ready for upload.

5. When data is being submitted, if there are changes in department, division, designation, office location, work location, level and if the system has been configured to generate letters on change of any of these parameters, then you will get an option to generate these letters. Once the letters are generated the email with letter as an attachment will go based on the setting of the alert on Manage Alert page, for more details refer to the article Manage Alerts

1. To upload date fields convert the column into text and then enter the date field as a string in dd/mm/yyyy format.
2. The option to update Date of Birth / Gender / Calendar and Shift is not available from this process as separate process for updating these fields are available.
Refer to the following articles for more details -

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