How do I add or remove a user or a license?
Users are broadly classified into two groups
1. Employees
2. External Users - like Placement Agencies, Background Verification Agencies.
The processes for adding / removing users and licenses for these groups is different
Adding Employees - Only HR team members can add new employees
to the system. Refer to the article on Adding users for more details.
Adding External Users - To add Placement Agencies / Verification
Agencies refer to the article on Agency Setup for more details
Removing Employees - you cannot remove or delete an employee
record once he has been updated in the system. To remove an employee you will
have to process the Resignation / Separation in the system. You however can temporarily block access of an employee, refer
article on Managing Users - Section 2. Deactivating Users for more details
Removing Licenses - Refer article on License Management for more details on how licenses are added and removed.
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