Manage Modules

Manage Modules

Through this tab Application Administrator can
1. Review the subscription status
2. Activate new modules
3. Deactivate modules
4. Cancel company's EazeWork HRMS subscription
5. Submit Payroll Outsourcing request

Please refer to the article on Subscription Overview for an overview of invoicing, payments and deactivation processes.

1. Subscription Status

On the top of Manage Modules tab you will be able to see the details of your account's subscription status and notice period.

Access URL- this is the URL for accessing the account. The unique URL to login to your account would be
Edition : It could be Trial, Free or Paid
Subscription Status : It should be Active but if you have requested a subscription cancellation then the status would be "Cancellation Requested"
Notice Period : It would be as per the contract terms
SMTP Server : It should be EazeWork unless your company has opted for managing the email service through your own server. In which case it would be your company's server
Sending Email : It should be if emails are being sent from EazeWork servers. If they are being sent from your server then it would show the sending email which is being used to send the system emails

Note : If the email service is being managed by your own server then the email status of employee's email will not be shown correctly. Refer articles for more details on Email status - Account PreferenceEmail ID Management.

2. Module Activation

To activate a module -
1. Click on "Activate" button
2. You will get a confirmation message as shown below

You will have to logout and login again to access the newly added module setup pages and menus. Modules which are activated will be billed from the month in which they are activated, the rate would be based on the number of active licenses in the month. If a new module is added on or before 15th of a month then the module cost is billed from the month in which it is activated, if the module is activated after 15th then the module cost is billed from the next month.

Please refer to the article on License Costs for more details. In case there are multiple companies configured the modules are activated at the group level and not at company level and billing is done for the group together.

3. Module Deactivation

1. To deactivate a module - Click on "Deactivate" button
2. You will get a confirmation message as shown below and a request for module deactivation will be sent to the CEO (MD in case of multiple company configuration)

The status will change to "Deactivation Requested"

From CEO / MD login the activities which need to be done are -
1. Click on the pending task "Deactivation Request" or navigate to Work Area > Activities> Pending Activities tab

2. Click on "Review" button for the Module Deactivation activity.

To confirm the request click on "Yes" and then "Submit". All the employees will be logged out and the access of the deactivated module will be removed.

You will be able to see the status of the module as "Deactivation Approved". At the end of the day all the associated data and documents generated with the module will be deleted and on the next day you will be able to see the status as "Deactivated".

Modules which have been deactivated will not be billed from subsequent months. You can reactivate the module immediately after deactivation.

Note : Module level data will be deleted and it cannot be recovered, this process cannot be reversed.

4. Subscription cancellation

In case you do not want to continue with the subscription of EazeWork HRMS and you want to cancel your subscription you can use this option. On clicking the button you will get a reconfirmation popup as shown below.

When you click on Next you will get an option to give a later closure date as shown below.

You will get the confirmation message.

You would be requested to provide feedback regarding the reasons for cancellation.

Note :
1. Subscription cancellation activity for a Paid account can be reversed only if a formal request is made in writing to your Account Manager within 2 days. Charges for updation will apply.
2. For a Free account the subscription is cancelled and data is deleted immediately.
5. Payroll Outsourcing

If you want to outsource your payroll management activities to EazeWork then you can submit a request by clicking on the "Outsource Payroll" button.

Your request will be captured and you will be contacted by and EazeWork support representative to take the discussion forward. Payroll outsourcing option is available only for Indian companies.

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