Managing organizational design

Managing organizational design

You can design your company’s organization structure in a flexible manner in EazeHR. There are four important attributes of organization design –
1. Company – you have the option for setting up the system as single or multiple companies but once the system is setup as single company system it cannot be changed
2. Department – you can create departments which are groups of employees engaged in common work, for e.g. – HR Department
3. Division – you can also create divisions which can be used to group employees based on market / geography / process / products. For e.g. – a BPO might have division for F&A process
4. Location – this is to manage your offices in different places

Refer to article on EazeHR - General Setup to understand how to activate these parameters.

If your company is having many subsidiaries, all the subsidiaries can be managed under EazeHR in a single environment. In such cases every subsidiary/company acts as separate legal entity thus acts as a separate company being mapped under a “Corporation”.

Once you make a corporation, you can add multiple companies under it, being separate legal entities they will be created as a company individually in EazeHR. For more details refer to the article on Creating companies. Employees cannot be mapped directly to the Corporation and have to be mapped at Company level.

Processes like Intercompany transfer get activated when there are multiple companies and some additional roles also get activated.

Employees can be mapped to a Department, it is not compulsory to assign an employee to a Department but it is highly recommended. You can additionally further sub divide Departments into Sub-departments, for e.g. – HR department can have Recruitment, Personnel, IR, Payroll sub department under it. Each department has a Department Head in EazeHR.
Employees can be assigned to Departments / Sub-department during the on boarding process. Change of Department / Sub-department is handled through Department Transfer process. For more details refer to the article on Creating departments.

Some companies use Divisions to combine offices in one country or to define a business unit. Divisions can be activated if needed on request. The divisions are distinct parts of that business. Each Division has a Division Head. In EazeHR the process of creating, editing Divisions or Sub-divisions is exactly same as that for Department. Use of Division feature is optional.

Locations can be different physical offices or one physical office have multiple locations. There are two types of locations allowed
- Office location : location linked to his payroll (this is a compulsory field)
- Work location : location from where he is currently working, use of work location feature is optional
For more details regarding location transfers and multiple country payrolls you can refer to article on Managing multiple country payroll and location transfers.

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