Managing the multi stage evaluation process

Managing the multi stage evaluation process

As shown below the hiring process has multiple steps, a candidate can be taken through four stages of review before he can be considered for being given a offer. This article covers the steps from Shortlisting to Background Verification.

If you do not want to go through the process of interview you can skip and directly generate the offer letter. Refer to the article on "Offer processing" for more details.

There are multiple stages of evaluations through which the candidate can be taken through. At each stage the feedback can be received from Recruiter / Reviewer / Screener / Interviewer. Candidate will move ahead only on clearing the previous stage.

1. Shortlisting is the first step which is the starting point and hence compulsory but Screening and Review can be skipped - refer article on Shortlisting Candidates for more details
2. Recruiter can have multiple Interviews conducted for the candidate and it need not be decided initially, additional interviews can be scheduled as needed. Refer article on Scheduling Interviews for more details
3. Every time the candidate clears an Interview the Recruiter will have to decide from one of the following actions
a) Schedule another round of interview - select the interviewer name, we can also removing the constraint that only those employees who are selected as Interviewer in setup are coming in the drop-down, we can allow him to select anyone from the company
b) Close the interview process and send the candidate record for background verification. Refer article on Candidate Background Verification for more details
c) Send the candidate for offer processing
d) Put the profile "On Hold"
4. Profiles which are "On Hold" will be shown in the On Hold column on Dashboard and those which are going through the interviews will be shown under the Interviewed column

Note - If Background Check has been included as a part of the process then before candidate record can be sent for offer processing the background check will have to be done 

Putting candidate On Hold / Sending for Offer processing
After the final interview and background verification has been done you have the option of either taking the process forward and starting the offer approval process or you can put the candidate on hold.

If a candidate is put on hold you can always from Recruitment dashboard click on the candidate record and start the offer processing stage at a later date.

For more details on offer process refer to the article on "Offer proposal and approval process".

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