Performance Improvement Plan - Process Overview

Performance Improvement Plan - Process Overview

Managers can create a Performance Improvement Plan for their direct reportees. Access can be given to HR team or Performance Manager also to initiate PIP. This is done for employees who are lagging behind in some key areas. The PIP helps to bring in focus specific areas of concern with actionable goals.

The workflow for PIP process is -

Approval of PIP by Performance Manager is required if configured in setup.

Status of Performance Improvement Plan can be
- Draft : draft is visible only to the initiator
- Pending : plan is pending for approval by Performance Manager
- Rejected : PIP was rejected by Performance Manager
- In Process : PIP has been approved and released by Performance Manager, Employee needs to update progress against the plan in this stage, Manager or HR team can add new Areas of Concern with details while the plan is in process
- Closed : this is based on the closure date which is decided when PIP is approved and released

Within each PIP the status of each Area of Concern is tracked separately
- Initiated : the area of concern / expectations / goals ha been updated by Manager / HR and progress against these is pending for updation by employee
- Submitted : employee has updated the progress
- Approved : Manager has reviewed the progress and given feedback

Note :
1. While the PIP is in process new areas of concern can be added by the Manager / HR before the closure date.
2. Performance Manager can view all PIPs but Manager / HR team cannot view PIP created by

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