Recruitment Dashboard

Recruitment Dashboard

Menu Path : Recruitment > Dashboard
Accessible to : Recruiters, Hiring Managers, Recruitment Manager

Recruitment Dashboard

Recruitment Dashboard is visible to Hiring Managers, Recruiters and Recruitment Manager.

From the dashboard Recruiter can do the following activities

1. Schedule interviews for candidates who are either shortlisted or add new candidates to shortlist from Candidate database or Received profiles database. Refer article for more details.
2. Search for any candidate who is currently mapped to an active job opening

3. Review and shortlist recently received profiles
4. Take candidates forward for evaluation in the multi stage process
5. Restart the hiring process for candidates on hold
6. Track the post offer activities and transfer the candidate record to HRIS

Rejected Candidates Tab

From the second tab > Rejected Candidates the following activities can be done
1. Send Regret email - refer article for more details
2. Review the details of rejected candidates. Candidates could be rejected at any of the following stages
a) Application : candidate has applied for the job but he was not Shortlisted
b) Not Interested : candidate was sent an email for profile updation but he/she indicated that they are not interested in the opening
c) Review / Screen / Interview : rejected at these stages
d) Offer : candidate rejected the offer
e) Background : candidate failed the background check
f) Did Not Join : candidate did not join after accepting the offer
g) Resigned : candidate resigned within the stipulated period of joining leading to the vacancy being recreated

Articles which give further details on how to do these activities are
1. Managing the multi stage evaluation process
2. Transfer candidate to HRIS

Hiring Manager can review the status of his job openings while Recruitment Manager can review the status of all the openings in the company from this page.

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