Attendance setup

Attendance setup

Menu Path : Setup > HR Setup > Attendance Setup > Processes tab
Accessible to : Application Administrator

In this section the setup relevant to attendance module is managed by the Application Administrator. 

1. Processes

Tour Feature/ OD Feature/ Work From Home Feature - Use these parameters to enable Tour, Work from home and Outdoor duty feature within Attendance module
Enable Company Field - this parameter will visible only when it is a multi company setup. When this parameter is Yes then Company selection will be mandatory while submitting a tour request. Through the use of this parameter you can map tours to a company and track expenses at company level in expense module.

2. Attendance Setup

There are multiple ways of recording attendance. Refer to the article on Attendance Management overview for more details. Please get in touch with your Account Manager if you are not able to see a desired method when HR team is mapping attendance method to an employee. 

2.1 Attendance Recording

Level of detail of attendance - There are two options
1. Time-stamp of when the employee comes to office and when he leaves the office is recorded
2. Time-stamp of In and Out and when the employee goes on breaks in the middle of day is also recorded

Mobile based attendance - You can configure the parameters for mobile based attendance tracking
- Attendance with selfie : this would include clicking a selfie while marking attendance
- Enable geofencing : this would enable the geofencing feature and employees will be able to mark their attendance only when they are within the geofencing radius of their location
- Default geofencing radius : the default value is updated as the radius whenever a new location is created. The radius can be maintained at location level in location setup

Marking attendance on behalf of employee through mobile by
If you want to give the option of marking attendance on behalf of employees by their Manager / Functional Manager / HR Manager or HR Executive you can enable this feature. 

Enable employee location tracking through mobile app
Enabling this feature will allow you to track the employee's location through the mobile app. This feature can be configured at an employee level through My Profile > Official Details section. Location tracking parameter will be visible for all employees. Refer article on Location Tracking for more details.
- Time interval (minutes) : this parameter controls the frequency at which the location is captured through employee's phone. The interval can be 1 minute minimum and 10 minutes maximum. The higher is the frequency the higher will be the battery consumption of the mobile device.
- Location tabs visibility - location of employees can be viewed from location tabs on browser and mobile app. The visibility of tabs can be controlled from here

2.2 Processing Rules

Bulk processing of missing attendance -This parameter allows to give access of processing of missing attendance page to HR team or to Manager to process missing attendance in bulk. Leaves when created using the bulk processing option do not go through the regular approval work flow. Refer article on Approving attendance and attendance updation for more details.

Enable auto time-out - If this feature is selected as yes then the employees will get automatically timed out at the end of their shift, i.e. they do not have to necessarily mark their out on mobile or through the card. This timeout will only work if employees have clocked in and are using option 2 or 3 from "Level of detail to be recorded" parameter.
If No is selected and an employee does not mark his out-time then system will create a pending attendance record, this record is visible to the Manager or HR on Attendance and Leaves > Attendance Approvals > Missing Out-time tab.

Automatically convert missing attendance into leave - If this feature is selected as yes then system will automatically create a leave request in approved status with remarks "Created automatically by system against missing attendance." on days when employee's attendance is missing. This feature is available only when Leave Without Pay is activated.
Leaves to be deducted table - LWP cannot be removed from this table. As you add more leaves they are added with a higher priority than LWP. System will create higher priority leave first as long as there is a leave balance. 
Include partial day absent - if this parameter is selected as Yes then system will create leaves for records which have partial day absent. Please note that days with any in process requests will not be considered. If a day has 0.5 day work from home and 0.5 day absent and Casual Leave is the first leave as per priority but in Casual Leave 0.5 day option is not enabled then system will not create a casual leave. Same logic works for all other leaves also.
Process data after xx days - through this parameter you can control after how many days the missing attendance data is processed for automatic leave creation. The batch job for leave creation is processed after mid night (as per employee's time zone) after day's attendance is closed for the employee. If the parameter value = 2 then on 25th February around 00:30 hours the attendance data of 23rd February is processed.

2.3 Access Management

Attendance home / records page access - Through this parameter you can control who will have the access of Attendance Home and Attendance Records page in browser and mobile app.

Attendance shortfall tab visibility Through this parameter you can control who will have the access of Attendance Shortfall tab. Refer to the article on LWP based on Attendance Shortfall for more details.

Short Working Allowance -  Shortfall figures reported in Attendance Reports are linked to this parameter. There are two features linked to this parameter
1. If an employee is working less hours than the shift hours and if the shortfall is more than the value entered in this parameter then alerts are sent to the employee and selected roles. The alerts which are sent are -
- Attendance short to Employee - Daily : sent to employee
- Attendance short to Employee - Weekly : sent to employee
- Attendance shortfall - Daily : can to be sent to multiple roles through alert customization
- Attendance shortfall - Weekly : can to be sent to multiple roles through alert customization
These alerts will need to be activated from Alert Setup.

2. Deduction of Leave Without Pay is also based on the attendance shortfall defined here - refer article for more details.

Late Coming Allowance - the time entered here is added to the stipulated shift start time and only if an employee comes later than this time an alert will be sent to the employee and his manager on the next day if the employee has come later. The allowance entered here is also considered when late coming calculation is shown in Attendance reports

Late Warning Letter - this is a separate feature and allows HR Manager to issue warning letters for late coming if this parameter is activated. You can define the number of incidences beyond which the letters could be issued

Official Hours / Days Worked definition
SB - Shift Beginning Time
SE - Shift Ending Time
This table is exclusively used to define the way Days Worked, Shift Hours and Official Hours are calculated and reported in Hours Worked Report. Click here to refer to the article on report write-up.

Days Worked - In the first row you can select which of the status will be added in the Days Worked. Multiple Status refers to days when the employee's attendance status is a mix of two or more status like 0.5 day present + 0.5 day leave. The shift hours for a day are also calculated on the same basis as Days Worked.  For example if a company has 9 am to 6 pm shift and an employee is on half day leave and is present for half day and Multiple Status box is selected against "Days Worked" then the Shift Hours will be equal to 9 hours. If the box is not selected then Shift Hours will be zero.

Official Hours - In the second row you can select the status which would be added to arrive at the Official Hours number.

Official Hours Basis - Official hours can be calculated on the basis of In / Out times or on the basis of Shift Begin / Shift End times. You can select one of the two options in the last row of the table.

Send email on stopping of biometric synch service - If there is a biometric integration you can setup this alert which will be sent to selected emails if the synchronization does not happen for one hour.
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