Attendance management overview

Attendance management overview

As shown below the attendance module covers a large number of processes.

While regular attendance can be captured / updated through multiple multiple methods as explained below there are two additional processes which can be also be used if employee is not coming to office but is working.
- Work from home : This is an optional feature which can be requested by the employee or submitted by his manager on his behalf. If an employee is working from home his status is updated and he is exempted from marking attendance – in this case standard shift timings are marked
- Tour request : A trip with visits for business purpose, has to be minimum one day, purpose of tour can be captured and tickets for travel and accommodation can be booked by the Travel desk

Attendance Recording
Attendance is recorded in EazeWork HRMS is required to be updated on a daily basis for all the employees. The level of detail at which attendance is recorded can be selected as per your company's requirement -
- Only the day beginning in time and day ending out times are recorded
- Employee's movement in and out of office is also recorded

For the attendance systems to work properly employees have to be mapped to correct shifts. A “Default Shift” is automatically created and all new employees are automatically mapped to this shift. If you want new joiners to be mapped to some other shift you need to create the shift and map it to the employees when their record is created. Shifts have the following attributes
- Start time, End time, Break times are clearly defined
- total time of the shift as defined by end time - shift duration cannot be more than 23:00 hours

Refer to article on "Managing employee's shifts" for details on how to map shifts.

Methods of recording regular attendance
There are five primary ways of recording attendance in Eaze, you can read about each of them through articles shown below. The attendance method of an employee is visible in the "Official Details section" of HR Info and can be changed by the mapped HR Manager.

1. Attendance recording through mobile application
2. Attendance recording using the browser
3. Capturing attendance data from Biometric / Access card machines
4. Automatic attendance marking
5. Manual updation of attendance by HR / Managers
6. Attendance recording by managers on behalf of employee through mobile app

For employees the first three methods of marking attendance are available and a combination of these methods can also be mapped. For example - attendance method can be "Mobile+Web" or "Mobile+Biometric" or "Web+Biometric" or "Mobile+Web+Biometric"
Note - When Attendance Method is changed from any method to "Auto" then all the records which have Absent status are changed to Present.

Attendance regularization by employees
There are two options for attendance regularization by employees -
1. Attendance Updation - Attendance updation process is used in the following scenarios
a) attendance for a past date has not been recorded by the employee
b) only In-time was recorded and Out-time was not recorded (and as per process both In and Out punches are needed)
d) In-time or Out-time which has been recorded has to be modified
d) Break data is to be corrected or new break data has to be created

2. Outdoor duty - This is used for regularization of attendance, in case of employee going out of office due to official work and he may or may not return back

Attendance approval / regularization by Managers / HR team
Managers and HR team will need to submitted regularization requests and they can also update the pending attendance records bypassing the approval workflow. HR Managers can also review attendance shortfall and deduct LWP based on shortfall
1. Approving attendance updation requests and absent records - Managers / HR Manager can update the missing attendance in bulk from Approve Attendance page
2. LWP bases on attendance shortfall - HR Managers can mark LWP based on short working hours in bulk

Late Coming and Short Working
Employee is considered late when the in-time is after the shift start time. Company might allow for a late coming allowance, e.g. if late coming allowance = 5 min and shift start time is 9:30 am then an employee punching in at 9:36 is considered 1 minute late.

Short working is when actual hours worked are less than actual shift hours. Refer below for definition of actual hours worked and actual shift hours.

Employees can review late coming and short working from Review Attendance Times widget on browser or from Attendance home page on the mobile app.

Attendance Metrics
Attendance data can be used to track multiple metrics like late coming, short working, overtime. The basis for these calculations is the time stamps, break data and shift timings. Attendance metrics are calculated as per the following formulae
1. Shift Hours = Shift End Time - Shift Start Time
2. Actual Shift Hours = Shift Start Time - Shift End Time - Planned Breaks
3. Hours Worked = Out time - In time
4. Actual Hours Worked = Out time - In time - Actual Breaks
5. Shortfall Hours = Actual Shift Hours - Actual Hours Worked
6. Extra Hours = Actual Hours Worked - Actual Shift Hours
7. Official Hours = Hours worked in office + Hours worked on tour + Hours worked from home, this metric can be setup based on the company's requirement in setup
8. Days Worked = Days present in office + Days on tour + Days working from home, this metric can be setup based on the company's requirement in setup

To calculate Shortfall or Extra hours the actual hours are compared with the shift hours, if the employee is on a half day or quarter day leave or on partial day Work From Home then the shift hours are appropriately reduced. For example -
If Actual Shift Hours = 8 hours 30 minutes and employee is on half day leave then Actual Shift Hours are revised to 4 hours 15 minutes.

Controlling the window in which employees can mark their attendance
If employees are marking attendance through the browser or through their mobile app then you can specify a time range outside which they cannot mark their attendance.
For example -
Shift Start Time : 9 am - You can specify that employees cannot mark their In-Time after 11 am
Shift End Time : 6 pm - You can specify that employees cannot mark their Out-Time before 5:50 pm
Refer to the article on "Shift Management" for details. The "Control In-Time" and "Control Out-Time" parameters are used for this purpose.

If the time window is not controlled then the hours within which mark in and out times for a shift can be marked is explained in the article on "Linking attendance data with shift timing".

Review of Attendance History
Attendance / Work From Home / Tour / Outdoor Duty / Back-dated Attendance request history can be reviewed from Attendance History page.

Archival of Attendance data
Attendance data is archived on a quarterly basis. At any point of time data for 6 quarters is visible in the main server. As the data for a quarter is created it is added and when data for the quarter is completed the 7th quarter in past is archived.

Location Tracking
Location of employees can be tracked through the mobile app provided this feature is configured and the right permissions are given by the employees. Refer to the article on Location Tracking for more details.

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