EazeWork Feature Update - March 2024

EazeWork Feature Update - March 2024

Production Server Update Date - 23 March 2024

1. HRIS module

  1. Additional fields have been added - in Personal Details section - Place of Birth added. In Family Details section - Blood group and Insured flag added using this you can track the status of employee's family insurance. These fields can be included from HRIS setup page. Refer article 
  2. In the Other Documents section the option to add a format which can be made available to employee during onboarding or subsequently from My Profile page is available. Refer article
  3. Tabs in HRIS setup have been renamed and grouping of some parameters has been changed
  4. Provision to store an alternate Email ID which will need to be validated has been added, this alternate email can be used to access the account in case primary email ID is not available. Refer article 
  5. Letters which are generated on change of official details like Promotion letter, Designation change letter, Department / Division transfer letter, Manager / Functional Manager transfer letter, Office / Work location transfer letter can now be generated in bulk when details of employees are updated in bulk using the "Bulk Update" option. Refer article

2. Leave module

  1. The logic of leave accrual for employees who are being updated as joined with a date of joining in past has been enhanced and the leaves for previous years will also accrue for the past years, year end expiry will also be done
  2. When a separation is withdrawn after some time-period and there have been some changes in employee's parameters which might make him eligible for new leaves or ineligible for existing leaves, on the withdrawal event these events of getting mapped to new leaves or unmapped from existing leaves has been added
  3. Number of days for which a leave can be taken in a month can now be controlled through a setup parameter "Leaves to be limited to xx per month". This condition is only applied when a new leave request is being created on browser or mobile app, it will not be applied if leaves are being created in bulk from missing attendance page or through bulk upload. Refer article

3. Onboarding module

  1. Onboarding instructions can be added in setup which are displayed to the employee when he/she fills up the onboarding form
  2. Option to upload company document which needs to be downloaded, filled up and uploaded during onboarding has been added
  3. All the documents uploaded by the employee during onboarding can now we be seen one place by the HR team and they can update their status as Verified after reviewing them. Refer article
  4. Onboarding activities can be added / removed for each onboarding workflow allowing you to define which activities are to be used for which type of employee
  5. During employee addition process the employee type field has been made a mandatory field to be filled up by the initiator. Refer article

4. Recruitment module

  1. Feature to submit offer approval requests in bulk by Recruiters or Recruitment Manager is now available. Refer article
  2. Feature to generate offer letters in bulk is now available. Refer article
  3. Recruitment Manager can now cancel an approved job opening
  4. Hiring Manager can now withdraw a submitted job opening as long as it is not approved
  5. Candidate who has been updated as Did Not Join in HRIS module can be taken up for another job opening

5. Expense module

  1. The option to add custom fields to the header form is now available, custom fields which are added will be visible only on the browser app as of now

6. Timesheet module

  1. Reminder alert for pending timesheet for employee and manager are now available

7. India Payroll

  1. When running last month's payroll for a resigned employee the system will now calculate the tax liability based on the earnings accruing till the last working day. Please note that a full and final will also need to be done after this last payroll in which the final recoveries, payouts can be made
  2. Option to create setoff challan which can be used to adjust excess payment made to the government while paying TDS is now available. Refer point 5 of Updating TDS Challans article
  3. NPS employer contribution can now be modelled as a CTC head. Refer article
  4. Loan tab will not be visible to employees if they do not have the authorization to request a new loan and if there is no active loan
  5. Payroll > Downloads - two reports added - 
    1. Loan details
    2. Payroll claims eligibility accrual details

8. Other Country Payroll

  1. Zambia -  Payroll change wef Jan-2024
    1. Max limit for NAPSA changed to 1490.80 for employee and employer
More than 9200
  1. Kenya - Payroll change wef Feb-2024
    1. Affordable Housing Levy EE/ER 1.5% has been removed
    2. NSSF EE Tier I limit increased from 7000 from 6000
    3. NSSF EE Tier II limit increased from 36000 from 18000. Percentage remains same as 6%.

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