Understanding calendars

Understanding Calendars, Shifts and Weekly Offs

Many processes in EazeWork HRMS are linked to calendars, shifts and weekly offs. These are required to define the working days, working hours and are used in Attendance and Leave module for Tour, Work from home, Leave processes. In this article we will cover the basic concepts of how these can be used to setup your company's policies. Refer to the article on Understanding linkage between Attendance, Leave, Weekly Off and Calendar to get a better understanding of how attendance and leave are recorded on the basis of weekly offs and holidays.

1. Calendars

Calendars are used to map the holidays in a company. Calendar by default will have a start date of 1-Jan and an end date of 31-Dec but if your company follows a different calendar it can also be configured. The calendar period directly impacts when year end processing of leaves is done. If a company is closing the leaves for a year on 31 March then it will have to follow April to March calendar.

There are three types of entries in a calendar -
1. Working Day : a normal working day - this is the default entry and if the day is not a weekly off or holiday then it is a working day
2. Compulsory Holiday : office is closed for all employees
3. Restricted Holiday : these are optional holidays and out of a larger set of days the employees have to apply for the days on which they want to take the Restricted holiday. To apply for a Restricted holiday the process to be followed is exactly same as
applying for a leave.

Refer to the following articles for more details -
1. Creating and mapping calendars for more details on different types of calendars
Editing calendars 
3. Managing employee's calendars
4. Leave and calendar mapping 

If you want to modify a calendar you can add or remove a holiday from future or from past, it would lead to withdrawal of impacted Leave, Tour, Work from Home requests. Refer to the article on  for more details.

2. Shifts

Shifts are use to define the working hours and the planned breaks within a shift. A company can have multiple shifts. Late coming, short working, early leaving, overtime all are defined with respect to the shift times. 

Refer to the following articles for more details -
1. Creating shifts
2. Managing employee's shifts
3. Linking attendance data and shift timings
4. Managing employee calendars

3. Weekly Offs

Weekly offs for an employee can be defined by creating and mapping the right weekly off pattern. A company might have multiple weekly off patterns. Mapping of shifts and weekly offs for a group of employees for a week / fortnight or month is also called rostering. If your company does not have a fixed weekly off for some of your employees, you can use the Flexi Weekly Off feature.

Refer to the following articles for more details -
1. Creating weekly offs
2. Managing employee's weekly offs

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