Understanding Payroll Features

Understanding Payroll Features

Welcome to EazeWork HRMS's payroll module. Through this module you can manage all aspects of your compensation, tax deductions, declarations, nominations and access all your historical payroll related documents.

In this article we are summarizing navigation and various features and how you can access them. Links to detailed articles are also provided.

All the pages where payroll data can be viewed / updated / downloaded are available under "Payroll" menu as show below.

You can navigate to the four pages
1. Compensation
2. Declarations
3. Claims
by clicking on the First Level tabs.

You will see second level tabs (if they are there) when you are on the page.

Payroll Features

1. Accessing Compensation details - Refer article on Salary slips / Compensations details

2. Important Declarations and Tax Planning -
a) Tax saving declarations and Tax saving submissions
b) House rent receipts and Tax free salary supporting submission
c) Other income declarations
d) House property declaration
e) House rent declaration
f) Tax Planning

3. Requesting for Salary Advance / Loan - if your company has a policy of giving loans / salary advance you can use this feature. Refer to the articles
a) Requesting a loan
b) Changing monthly installments

4. Other Declarations - There are a significant number of declarations to be done depending upon the salary heads and nature of employment. Various linked articles are listed below -
a) Previous employer declaration
b) Voluntary Provident Fund declaration
c) Flexible Benefit declaration
d) National Pension Scheme declaration
e) Perquisite Value declaration
f) LTA status
g) Children declaration
h) 206AB declaration
i) Nomination forms - PF / ESI / Gratuity

5. Claiming reimbursements - You can claim reimbursements and claim LTA if they are a part of your salary structure

6. Downloading Payroll Reports - refer article on "My Payroll Reports"

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