Performance Management module (PMS) in EazeHR provides the functionality
to manage the performance review process of a company. There are three sub processes
within the PMS module
1. Performance review : this is the core process and can be designed as per company's
2. Performance Improvement Plan : employees who are lagging behind on their performance
can be put on a structured Performance Improvement Plan (PIP). Refer article
on Performance Improvement Plan - Process Overview for more details
3. Project based reviews : if Project module is activated then Project based
reviews can be also done. Refer article on Project Assessment - Process Overview for more details
Process Overview
Process flows for a generic Performance process is outlined below, a parallel process for "project based reviews" can also be configured if Projects module is activated.
Performance Management process is fairly complex process involving a large number
of participants and has a direct impact on employee morale and satisfaction.
The process should be setup in consultation with the EazeWork Customer Manager
and the HR Managers, Performance Managers should go through a training session
before releasing it.
Checks and Balances in Performance Management Process
the information which is being updated in the system is extremely confidential
the access of performance management is strictly controlled. At any point of
time the edit access of employee’s Performance sheet is with only one person.
View access of the sheet is always with the Employee, Assessor, Reviewer and
Performance Manager.
When Performance Manager releases the process for goal setting to employee, control remains solely with employee, once he submits the goals, the Assessor gets the access to edit or approve employee’s goals. Once both submission and approval is done control of performance sheet goes to Performance Manager. But if employee or assessor forgets to submit or approve goals the access goes automatically to Performance Manager only, who with the help of manager can edit and approve the goals for employees.
Since there are no managers above the CEO if CEO is the assessor and reviewer is designed to be manager’s manager then the system gives the role of reviewer also to the CEO by default.
Qualitative Vs Quantitative feedback
process can be designed to be completely qualitative where the recommended and
rating is based on the feedback recorded in the system or it can be designed
to allow the employee, assessor an reviewer to provide quantified rankings or
scores against criteria. PMS process can also be configured to track achievement
against targets on a monthly / quarterly basis and the rating can be automatically
updated based on target achievement.
Further reading -
1. Performance Dashboard
2. Components of a Performance Management System
3. Creating Performance Plans
4. Creating Criteria, Groups and Templates
5. Understanding Weightage, Ratings, Scores and Rankings
6. Managing Annual Performance Management cycle
7. Target based PMS
8. Employee's activities during PMS
9. Role of Assessor / Reviewer during PMS
10. Change of Assessor or Reviewer during the cycle
11. Individual Development Planning process
12. Career Development Planning process
13. Key Behavior Assessment