1. My Profile
2. Editing Profile details
3. Managing location, department / division transfers
4. Employee shift mapping
5. Employee calendar mapping
6. Employee weekly off mapping
7. Organization structure
8. Probation process
9. Managing promotions
10. Capturing on the job feedback for employees
11. Issue letters to employees
12. Managing announcements
13. Managing policy documents
14. Managing nominations and declarations
15. National ID feature
16. Delegation of work to assistant
EazeWork HRMS provides the flexibility to manage multiple types of employees and also tracks the employment status of employees throughout the life-cycle. Refer to the document on Employee HRIS details for more information.
The minimum age of employees can be setup in HRIS Setup by Application Administrator. There is no maximum age limit but a notification will be shown to HR Manager on Employee Details page for employees who are exceeding 90 years of age.
By default Male and Female genders are available. Additionally a third gender - Transgender can be enabled in HRIS Setup by Application Administrator.
Most of the documents related to employee's life cycle are generated in HRIS,
a list of documents which can be generated and customized in EazeWork HRMS is
available in the article on Documents in EazeWork HRMS.